Mutter verlangt Geld?
Ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe gerade meine Schulpflicht beendet (Durch ein Berufsfachschuljahr)
Eigentlich hatte ich einen relativ gutbezahlten Ausbildungsplatz auf den ich mich auch gefreut habe, aber leider musste ich mich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen dagegen entscheiden.
Aus momentaner Sicht ist ein Vollzeitjob nicht zumutbar, da ich mit Dingen wie Depressionen, Panikstörung, SVV und weiteres zu kämpfen habe und angehen möchte, in eine Klinik zu gehen.
Meine Mutter aber ist sehr dagegen und hat gesagt, wenn ich weiterhin hier wohnen will, muss ich jeden Monat 100€ zahlen, Geld was ich nicht habe.
Darf sie das überhaupt, und gibt es vielleicht andere Möglichkeiten für mich was meinen Wohnsituation betrifft, weil ich und meine Familie leider gar nicht auskommen.
Even if you have finished compulsory schooling, you might have a professional school duty. In many cases, this goes until 18 years of age.
It’s actually a mature decision if you tell yourself you want to go to the clinic. The step is anything but easy and should be supported!
Here it would be useful to be accompanied by a counselling centre on site or a psychotherpaeuten. Therapist or consultant could also talk to your mother and present the urgency.
And no, she’s not allowed to put you in front of you, or you’re asking for a full-time job. Until you’re 18, she’s still in charge of you.
She even gets 250€ each month for you and the child’s money. So everything is regulated!
I think that’s quite unfair from her
But what do you want to do after the clinic?
Your health should be priority, you have to get on your feet and then you could look for a minijob and give the 100 Euro to your diet
Please talk to her again.
Theoretically, she should support you right now and not vice versa
In her eyes, she doesn’t even recognize my illness, she hasn’t helped talk for a long time.
And, well, imagine this as a recovery from the broken leg. First you have complete bed rest, then you start to load and train in slow steps until you can use ithendwann completely.
It’s so similar to me. In the clinic I will devote myself to my health. Then, of course, I can start a small side job with a few hours and see how I can handle it. After several months, these hours can also be increased until I finally, at best, go to training next year.
If you can do a next job, you can also go into training.
I am mentally ill and know it only too well;)
This disease(s) and work, is not so easy to get under a hat.
Too bad she has so little understanding for you. No, not bad, very sad.
I would turn to the youth office at your place and get help in the form of conversations
Reading isn’t exactly your strength, is it?
If you are the child of her, I really don’t care if you work or do an education or if you don’t have to give any money to your mother you’re her child and stay her child I don’t understand that my parents are now separated and I live with my father and I don’t have to pay a cent because I’m his daughter. Talk to your mother and say why should I give you money if I’m your child I don’t have to give a cent here if that goes on so you have to call the police and tell my mother wants money from me I’m her child and she wants money from me.
you have compulsory schooling until you are 18, when you’re done with the general school, go on to training. so time you’re going to work u. money merit. or how long do you want your mother to lie on the bag?
she can throw you out too, and you’ll watch you get clear. if you are supposed to have so many mental disorders, then let yourself be introduced into a psychiatric system and then go to a mentally ill facility.
You’re all right. And that’s wrong. You have 12 years of compulsory schooling, which I have met with my extended secondary education and a complete professional school. I also had a well-paid training place. It is also wrong that she should throw me out, she has supervisory duty until I am full year 🙂
And as in my question, I’m already registered with a clinic. Reading can help before ‘man’ writes.
As long as you are not 18, your mother DIR is subject to maintenance.
For this, she also collects the child’s money of €250 per month.
If you are unemployed, the child allowance will be paid up to the age of 21.
Are you in an education, then even until the age of 25.
At the age of 16, your mother is still fully dependent on you, she also collects child money and maintenance (from the father or aliment from the state), and since you are without income and will also be in the longer term, what does she want from you? You can contact the youth office at the most and see that you can move out into a WG or otherwise if you can’t go to a clinic, then you can ask her to pay the child’s money up on you instead of on her, and then you look stupid out of the laundry.
The best mother in the world does not seem to be yours straight.
until 18 she is financially responsible for you. If you earn money, it should, of course, be a part of it. If you don’t deserve it, it won’t work.
But what’s not going on is just sitting around and not doing any training or job. If you can’t do 40h job for health reasons, then at least one on a minimum wage basis – and then you will pay €100.
Read it right. I don’t do rum. I will be in a stationary clinic from August onwards and will not be able to do a job.
You can go to work now, after all you’re trying to get home and just sit around.
there’s nothing from August, you just want to go to a clinic. until you get a place often pass months – and until then you could have done a minijob.
I can’t see it yet
Well, you know so much about me and waste more time in accusations than in decent reading. I went to school until 3 days ago until the school year ended. I also don’t do rum because I want to get my health under control. But think you have so much idea.
Well, no. Of course you can’t know it, but I’ve visited the vocational schools by last week and I’m on holiday all July. And as I said, a job like the current view is reasonable. You can hardly understand it if you don’t experience it yourself
No. Until you grow up, she’ll have to take care of you.
Your health disorders, are they even confirmed by the doctor? If you don’t want your mother to be too mad because you didn’t start your training, she’ll see all this as being advanced
Oh, man.
Of course, these were confirmed not by the doctor, but by the psychologist. From this I also received the transfer to the clinic.
Even psychologists are doctors….but then I wonder why your mother doesn’t want to believe all this…sorry, but something irritates me.
How did this conversation last? She should have expertise….
Because she doesn’t believe him. You don’t have to understand
And why didn’t she even talk to your doctor/psycholog who made the diagnosis?
Believe me, too. She constantly compares me with others in the disease picture and thinks I wouldn’t be sick enough etc
The 100 euros are symbolic. You cooked your mother many times a month. It just sounds like education.
In order to earn this, you don’t need a full-time job, because it is enough to work 1-2 days a month for a minimum wage or just a few hours a month. A small job as a prospectus distributor or so it’s enough to walk like 2x a week a few hours.
The question is of course what she wants to do if you don’t pay it. In fact, she is committed to maintenance.
I am quite aware that there are jobs that are less hours to work for correspondingly less money. She wants me to do a full-time job, that’s the problem. However, since I am introduced into a psychiatric clinic from August, it is impossible, as I said, to MOMENTAN. In a few months, of course, I would be prepared to do so.
talk to others?
Don’t let yourself in, you’d rather see that you can become independent and take off. What kind of mother does she work for herself? Why does she need money, isn’t her child’s money, or what does the father do?
In that case, of course, that’s bullshit. Then talk to your mother – you must be aware of that.
You know, it’s pretty poor to complain about someone you don’t know. I have my problems and my strengths. You’re not bothered. So if you don’t have anything kind or helpful to write, I just ask you to keep your mouth shut 🙂
Child doesn’t do anything because it’s sick what the “loving” mother apparently doesn’t write. From somewhere, the illnesses will probably come, right?
Again: I think the 100 euros are symbolically meant here. They don’t even cover any costs in the approach. I see this more educationally in the sense of “child doesn’t matter”.
My father works full time and deserves pretty good. My mother does not work. I also have two older siblings, both full-year, who also pay money.
You’re a minor, and she’s still fully responsible for you. She could ask for money if you work or training and still living at home. In the current situation, however, this makes no sense at all.
In the situation “Kind does nothing” this is quite educationally sensible.
In the situation “Kind is mentally ill and goes to a clinic to become healthy,” this educational is the most stupid thing you can do. Priority should be to assist the child in the recovery.
Yes, your mother is allowed to ask for money and cooperation in the common household. That you’re not working is your decision.
I have neither own income nor am I full-year? How does that explain?
go and look for work, there’s no reason to sit around all day.
This is explained by the fact that the statement of MaryLynn87 is bullshit.
Your parents are dependent on you until the age of 25 or until you complete a professional training. They can demand money if you earn money yourself so that you make a proportionate contribution to household income. If you are sick, your recovery should now be in the foreground.
This explains that you have completed your schooling and have to be responsible for yourself slowly. Your mother will follow her education mission by committing you to contribute to the financing of your own life.
Of course, I’m going to work with a disc incident and that for years. also go to work cancer. burnout is just one formation – all other mental troubles are easy to treat and adjustable. So continue your therapy in your free time and go to work or how long do you want your mother to lie on the pocket
you’re just sitting at home and never had a stressful day. just go to work and listen to insulting yourself.
If you have a disc incident, you can’t go to work either. Just like cancer, broken bones, etc. Burnout, depression, panic disorder, eating disorders etc are just as diseases that can be dangerous to life. How little empathy do you have?
Thank you. I find it terrifying how disrespectful one can be to those who try to find solutions in their stressful everyday life and get their lives under control. Diseases aren’t easy, but that’s real, wow.
Precise inconsistency.
As if you were able to judge the situation of the FS.
so sick it is not that it cannot work.
Just read for maintenance and care.
Education also means supporting his sick child and not unnecessarily distorting.
The parents are, however, obliged to educate the child and prepare for life and there is not always everything in vain!
“This explains that you have completed your schooling”
That’s wrong.