Mutter raucht trotz COPD?
Wenn ich ihr erkläre wie tödlich es ist trotz COPD 10 kippen am Tag zu rauchen anstatt zu dampfen schreit sie einfach nur und sagt das sie mich aus dem Haus sonst wirft weil es ihre Regeln sind. Sie hat jeden Tag extreme Hustenanfälle und es ist ihr komplett egal
It depends on how long the COPD already exists and how old your mother is. In the initial stage, one cannot say that ten tilts are deadly, only when they are far advanced. How long your mother has smoked and smoked her more than ten a day, because ten is not much
she has been smoking for 30 years and has copd for 2 years
Maybe it calms you when I tell you that my grandpa had more than two years of COPD (he didn’t treat) and he died with 86 also not on it, but had a heart failure, would have lived without this. (He was temporarily smoker, also from 10 a day, but had to do asbestos on construction at that time, whose shame was not yet known)
It’s still her decision and a addiction. You can’t just forbid that.
yes but I am young and my future is endangered because I have no entry and live nowhere
Then go to work, you finally grow up.
If your only concern is…
I’m not going to say anything about false statements.
If your mother dies, you’ll be in custody. To the shelter.
no the date of birth on my profile is not real
Your mother is not completely brazed and knows exactly how harmful it is. BUT she is an adult woman who can decide for herself whether you care about the risks.
You say it yourself, she doesn’t care. Your mother is adult and responsible for her
yes but I am young and my future is endangered because I have no entry and live nowhere
I wouldn’t worry about the “pocket loss” because even if your mother died, there is still your father and the estate, otherwise social assistance etc.
What do you all have for hair-absorbing views? She’s worried about her mother.
Or he’s looking for a job and doesn’t hang on the lazy skin.
I also knew someone like that,with 61j was over,todesursache COPD
yes but I am young and my future is endangered because I have no entry and live nowhere
So sad it is
that is actually your mother’s life and not yours
I don’t have my own and live in nowhere and I don’t have a lead because I’m young. they threaten my future. if I were independent, I wouldn’t care.
then she doesn’t care.
Take off.
with 17?
go to jugendamt.