Mutter möchte mir die FOS nicht erlauben?

Hey Leute, meine Mutter möchte mich nicht auf die FOS lassen da sie sagt dass ich nie was durchziehen würde (stimmt nicht) und dass sie glaubt dass ich es eh nicht schaffe.

Habt ihr Tipps? (mein aktueller Note die schnitt insgesamt liegt bei 2,0 muss nur Mathe verbessern) ❤️

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2 months ago

How was your testimony in the previous school? Why does she think you can’t do this.

If what she says is rather unbelievable, e.g. as in the video below the ground (from 13:37min).

Try the nice way. And tell her the nice way that you would go to the family court if necessary, which then, if necessary, signifies to your mother that you can apply for this school and register. Plan a lot of time for this!


2 months ago

I’m sorry your mother talks so badly about you.

But often talk to her, very often and explain why you want to go straight to this school.

At some point, she’ll be able to understand it and give you the support for your registration.

2 months ago

I think it’s great that you want the FOS!

Talk to your teacher*in, if necessary with trust teacher*in or similar teacher about the topic that will surely help you!

Good luck!

2 months ago

FOS = Fachoberschule

BOS = upper secondary school

Do your thing no matter what mutti says

2 months ago

I just don’t understand your mother at all. If you have a two average, you’ll get it full.

Was she a primus in school or why does she have such a high expectations for you?