Mutter mich(17) und meinen Vater rauswerfen?
meine Eltern sind getrennt und ich und mein Vater ziehen aus. Jedoch haben wir noch keine Wohnung gefunden, aber meine Mutter will uns in wenigen Tagen rausschmeißen, wir haben aber keinerlei Unterkunft außer unser jetztiges Zuhause. Darf sie das? Kann ich mich an irgendjemanden wenden?
Danke im Voraus!!
She can’t throw you out before you’re underage, and your father can kick her out if he’s not in the lease.
Who owns the apartment or Who is the lease?
Well, it’s a house that belonged to the opa of my mother. but generally the rental runs I think on both? am so sure
D. H. Your mother owns the house?
Your father could then terminate it with time or also just throw out, not as minors.
The question is what has happened :(.
“think She would be smart to report to the youth office in this situation?”
Well, that in the case of separation one of the two partners is not unusual and I can also understand that your mother no longer wants to live with your father when he separates from her.
But she can’t take you in there.
thinking She would be smart to report to the youth office in this situation?
My father did not feel more for them and their relationship ended. I never had good contact with my fellow, and that’s what happened again. it is really very complicated everything
You are entitled to be reported in this apartment, the mother can’t throw you like that.