Mutter lästert über ihr kind?
Hallo, meine Mutter lästert über mich mit jedem, ich bin nicht das beste Kind aber sie geht wierklich zu allen ihren Freunden SOGAR zu meinem Lehrer und redet über mich so schlecht sie erzählt alle meine Fehler alles was ich falsch mache und das ich ihr Leben zur hölle mache… aber warum sucht sie sich kein Psychologen, WARUM muss sie zu anderen gehen und über mich so schlecht reden… meine Großeltern wollen mich nicht mehr sehen deswegen weil sie so schlecht über mich denken 😞 und großteils sind die Sachen auch lügen die sie erzählt. Ich bin wierklich so sehr enttäuscht deswegen ich bin nämlich 14 und ich bin doch noch viel zu jung für sowas… mit meiner Mutter kann man auch sehr schlecht reden weil sie denkt sie hat immer recht und hat richtige Probleme ich denke auch irgendwie sie ist ein Narzisst. Sie ist eine gute Mutter aber sie erzählt zu viel über mich sehr viel zu private Dinge selbst meinen Lehrer man er denkt so falsch von mir! Was denkt ihr?
After your description, I see that your mother is unable to love and allow love. Many parents are unable to do so. They may even properly educate their children, but they cannot love them. It’s because they haven’t been properly loved even as a child.
If children are longing for attention from their parents, they often make trouble, because then they finally get a bit of money. It’s more like a sniff than no attention at all. That makes children unconscious. This even goes to the extent that (they know psychologists for decades) small children have been driving it to such an extent that they are beaten because they seek physical contact.
I think you’re looking for your mother’s help through your “slim behavior.” And she searches everywhere “help” because she can’t handle your “needy.” But that’s yours, because you need love to grow up.
However, it may also be that you are very intelligent. Because then you are constantly underwhelmed and are constantly stressing. Maybe it’s both true.
Best you could both talk to a psychotherapist. And if it’s just a word. Your mother should be able to finance an hour. Because a free therapeutic site is probably not so easy to get.
I wish you better times with your mother. Greetings.
Thank you
Even at the “but” it is clear that she is not a good mother for you personally, is she?
Even if you are not always the “best child”, your mother has no right to humiliate you in front of other people, in front of those who stand outside these events.
She’s raising your own family against you who don’t want to see you anymore. You think that’s good?
It’s better to talk to your mother about it and solve this conflict. Tell her it bothers you.
Tell her how angry it makes you talk about you like that.
She has no right.
If she has a problem with you, then it is exactly THE, YOUR problem.
And she’s got to be a psychiatrist, not you.
You poor thing. I’m really sorry. I’m 11. Hopefully it’ll be better someday.
Well, with 14 you’re not too young to behave right… You’re not doing better when you title your mother on the Internet as a Narcissian?
Of course, don’t justify your mother talking badly to others about you, after all you’re her own flesh and blood. Maybe she doesn’t know how to help her, so she’s leaving her frustration. With an appointment for something like this, you can wait 1-2 years with a psychologist, unfortunately, has no urgency.
You have to talk to her yourself and solve conflicts, even if it’s hard. Otherwise even to school psychologists
you’ve been long enough to know how you’ve been acting. So start to change to you and do what is said to you.
I hope you do what your parents ask for from you and not just from others.