Mutter kauft wenig bis kein Essen?

Hallo! Meine Mutter kauft seit 2-3 Monaten nicht mehr wirklich ein, es hat sich nichts verändert, wir leben noch in der selben Wohnung, wir hatten keinen großen Streit oder Ähnliches. Auf einmal kauft sie keine wirklichen Mahlzeiten oder Snacks mehr, nur noch für sich selbst. Gemeinsam essen machen wir seit Jahren nicht mehr, ich bin 19 mittlerweile. Meine tägliche Nahrung besteht aus Brot, Nudeln (jeden Tag), Pommes oder Kartoffeln… meistens diese Nahrungsmittel ohne besondere Beilage, weil nicht wirklich etwas da ist.

Meine Mutter kommt vom Einkaufen und ich mache ihr davor wirklich immer eine Liste was ich gerne haben wollen würde (keine hohen Anforderungen wie Fisch/Fleisch) und sie bringt davon vielleicht zwei Sachen mit.

Ist das ein Grund zum Jugendamt zu gehen? Am liebsten würde ich ausziehen aber derzeit mache ich noch mein Abitur, ich habe also keine Einnahmequelle + keine sichere Arbeitsstelle oder sowas. Ausziehen wäre in diesem Fall mein einziger Ausweg, denn nach mehreren Draufansprechen wird sie immer nur sauer und schreit rum, es bringt also nichts.

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

I find the answers here pretty hard. Abitur is a strenuous time to focus on learning. I still think to work next door, for nothing I would recommend or encourage my child. I also find it sad that your mother doesn’t cook anything for you anymore and you have nothing except potatoes and noodles. At least there should be vegetables and some other basics that you can at least make you eat something right.

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

Yes, if your Mutttr gets a child’s money, you can go to the youth office, because she apparently doesn’t use the child’s money for you if it’s not enough for noodles and potatoes for anything else, but she buys it normally for herself.

1 year ago

FS has a basic supply and a roof over the head…if you don’t fit the food at home, then she has to look herself. There is no claim that food wishes are fulfilled

1 year ago

Basic food supplies are no desires. And yes, this is also to be paid by child money, as well as clothing of the child and the necessary things of life that a child needs. Food is the most important thing. The child’s money is not intended to cover his own costs and then to let the child be fed by potatoes and noodles without supplement.

1 year ago

The child’s money is not for children’s wishes. This also pays rent, electricity and additional costs…

1 year ago

You’re 19 years old. Old enough to get yourself food and make a side job instead of whining my quality

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

I’m just telling you the facts. I’m younger than you, and I’ll take care of myself and live on my own. Am I? Become adult and independent.

1 month ago
Reply to  Isabelle783

In Abitur a side job is not so easy.

Did you try that?

1 year ago

Private circumstances.

You want more than what you have? A warm home, bed, electricity and running warm water? Then you haven’t understood life yet and you haven’t understood it yet. It may sound bad, but I don’t talk nicely because you’re full-year and can take your life into your hands instead of making demands. So go to work and buy yourself your food.

1 year ago

Go shopping with her. For vegetable stew TK vegetables with cauliflower and carrots and some finished vegetable broth and potatoes. She’ll be able to buy a noodle or some pizza. Maybe she doesn’t want to buy alone, cook alone and then eat alone? Hit her to change that.

1 year ago

But did you sit down with her and discussed exactly what the problem could be and how to change something about it, if there is a problem?

My son is also full-year, goes to school and nothing has changed with us just because he is full-year. If there were problems, I would discuss them with him, but there is no sort of “purchasing list”. We are talking about “nextly”, about 2 to 3 days a week I cook, otherwise he has long school, driving hours, girlfriend and for the days I get the things he likes and can prepare himself.

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

Yeah, that’s annoying. Evtl. can you try to find a financial regulation with it and then you buy for yourself – so WG-mode… Parents have duties and one is now that one has to ensure that a school and training is completed. As long as you get children’s money and as long as I’ve always been and remain, I’ll continue to handle this…

1 year ago

You get food and logging.

It is not a case for the Youth Office if your food wishes are not fulfilled.

Likewise, this is no reason why the Youth Office would fund you an excerpt.

Find a side job and buy your wishes yourself

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

Then look for a side job, buy in and cook. If you’re going to make 19.

1 month ago

Abitur and side job at the same time is very demanding.

That is, in my opinion, just to respect for his children. It’s not like she’s been at home 20 years after her school graduation…

1 year ago

I already had my own little apartment with 19 and supplied myself.

Maybe your mother’s behavior is her way to say, “will be independent”.

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

Okay, I missed that info. Let your mother talk. And honestly, if nothing changes, I would get help from the relevant official institutions.

1 year ago

Help for what? That the mother has to buy what the daughter wants? This is not the task of the Youth Office

1 year ago

I think she wants you to help. A little can be done by your side? Maybe she’s just getting tired of how you lie on her pocket, or getting married?

The fact that you mention the child’s money shows that you have little idea what you’ve already cost your parents.

Do you support the budget with your help? Or do you do something useful for her?

That you give her a list, I think it’s hard!

Talk about it, maybe someone else told her that she too pampered you… That could have changed her attitude and her view.

1 year ago

Yes, my mother is a pensioner and gets very little pension and my father deserves average… but have no contact with him, that means he does not support me financially

Because she can’t afford it? Because she might expect you to contribute your part? Not only to write a wish list, but to make you think about how to get a good full-quality meal on the table with vegetables and fruit at low cost?

And: a secondary job helps in fulfilling your own wishes

1 year ago
Reply to  peace12222

You’re really funny writing your mother a wish list, but don’t even get into the gods.

And what cost increases your mother has to do is openly as far away as a strange galaxy.

School and side job don’t work out. About 2 thirds of my daughter’s abiclass had a side job. Also during study

1 year ago


If my 19-year-old Spross MIR would present a shopping list… 😶