Mutter hebt Geld ab vom Konto?
Meine Mutter hebt Geld ab von meinem Konto wenn Sie will, Ich will mein Geld sparen da Ich grad eine Ausbildung gestartet habe,Aber sie versaut mir damit alles. Darf sie ohne Erlaubnis Geld von meinem Konto abheben?
Meine Mutter hebt Geld ab von meinem Konto wenn Sie will, Ich will mein Geld sparen da Ich grad eine Ausbildung gestartet habe,Aber sie versaut mir damit alles. Darf sie ohne Erlaubnis Geld von meinem Konto abheben?
An die Frauen, die getrennt sind von den Vater ihres Kindes. Mein ex hat eine neue Partnerin, die wohnt nun ca 30 Kilometer von uns entfernt. Er ist mobil. Er hat seine Wohnung gekündigt wohnt nun nicht mehr 10 min von uns entfernt.😅 Am Wochenende ist papa Wochenende. Und mein großer auf ein Geburtstag eingeladen….
Hallo. Ich habe eine Frage. Ich möchte mir ein Handy kaufen und jz ist die Frage ob jmd von hier dieses Handy wer hat und mir die Frage beantworten kann. kann ich auf diesem Handy, Snapchat und Instagram mir runterladen oder nicht?
Würde gerne wissen was nach dem Urteil vor dem euGH jetzt passiert und wie könnte die Zukunft der Schufa aussehen ? Könnte man jetzt eher einen Kredit bekommen oder Ähnliches ?
Moin, ich bin 17 jahre alte. Und ich rauche (ich weiß es ist kacke.) Und ich habe einen verweis bekommen fürs rauchen obwohl ich an die diesem tag nicht mal einmal geraucht habe und der neben mir geraucht hat. Und die lehrerin denn die mir geben hat wollte mir nicht mal zuhören und hat mir…
Unfortunately, yes. As long as you’re underage, she’s entitled to the bank’s parent and doesn’t need permission from you to withdraw money from your account.
What does not mean that their action is so good. If you are to contribute to the costs (which is completely okay), you should make a reasonable agreement and agree to a fixed amount. And you give it to her. Such a self-service from your account about any amounts is not possible.
If you can’t talk sensibly with her, try to get your family back. Sometimes it helps if, for example, Grandma or Grandma is working for the granddaughter and the mother washes his head.
If you are over 18 then adjust your account so that you can’t get it otherwise it will be difficult.
The best way to talk to de bank is to lock the access.
Otherwise, get yourself some money and grab bar somewhere until you get 18 bsit.
… and Dispo to zero, or she’s still irritating him to the attack.
You shouldn’t have a dispo at 16 anyway.
In fact, you should not have a dispo with 18 or older. 😀 when I think about it
Dispo have and use Dispo are 2 completely different things.
You can’t even have a dispo with 16. Don’t let the bank set up.
Is the FS 16?
If you’re over 18, definitely not. And if you live with her, it’s a bit more difficult.
Even under 18 years of age, this is not allowed.
That’s not quite right. Parents have certain rights when it comes to the child’s money.
Yeah, but if you’re over 18 and live with her, she won’t have to pay anything for you if you deserve something.
Right. And as it reads, there is no agreement and the mother is unquestioned in the account.
There is much left here speculation, we depend on the small “filtered” information of the questioner.
Right – but don’t just take off yourself. And that’s just speculation. This is not the case.
Not before! If you have your own income, you can ask for a share of the community economy.
There’s no one. If she withdraws money from her account without her knowledge or even so, then this is simple and simple theft.
No, it’s your money. Change the PIN. Without any deals like food money, something is unacceptable.
Change PIN doesn’t bring anything. As long as it is minor, the guardians are entitled to make their allowances. They can also withdraw money in the branch, transfer money to their account, have their own card issued…
You should figure out if she’s entitled to raise money or not.
And on what way this happens.
As long as you are minor and they use the money in your sense – Yes.
This is very unfair and morally aside, just to use your account.
It would be fairer for you to say that you give her a bit of your training allowance monthly.
At the latest, if you’re full-year, it’ll be theft!
I would agree with “Mama” a monthly fee, which you contribute to the community economy, so you can look into the eyes together…
….and your mother didn’t understand your money anymore.
Take the card away and change the pin. What your mother does is theft
If you’re underage, she’ll be fine.
Almost everything… or we say: quite a lot