Mutter hat rauchen herausgefunden?


ich hab heute scheiß gebaut, sodass meine Mom mein Handy kontrolliert hat, da hat sie Chats von mir und meinem Kumpel gesehen, die übers rauchen gehen, weil ich 13 bin, hat sie was dagegen.

Sie ist halt der maßen ausgeflippt das ich ne Beule am Kopf habe. Weiß wer wie ich mit ihr drübe rede,, bzw es schaffe, sie zu beruhigen?

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1 year ago

So for the first time, you should really pamper your smoking with 13 because you are in the middle of the development and that can limit it to this extent and of course also cause health damage.

But to your question: I would go to her and say you would like to talk about it and tell her that you’ll spoil it or stop it (of course you have to do it too). Also, you should listen to her and not interrupt her because it could only sharpen the situation.
Just stay calm and don’t yell at her, even if she does. I think it won’t help right away and she’ll probably be mad for a while, but it’s always better to talk about being silent.

1 year ago

because I’m 13 she’s minded.

And she’s not alone with that. Even the legislator has something against it.

Who knows how to talk to her, or how to calm her down? Know who I’m talking to her, or how to calm her down?

By letting the crap be until you have the freedom to make your own decisions on the subject. And by then, you can think about the consequences for 5 years.

1 year ago

So I find her reaction far worse. Calm down and don’t talk about it anymore