Mutter erlaubt kein zweites Kaninchen?

Hallo meine Mutter erlaubt uns kein zweites Kaninchen, obwohl es niemals alleine sein darf, könnt ihr mir helfen?

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1 year ago

Hi, so you could tell your mother that your rabbit is tormenting himself and needs someone he can play with and cuddle. 🙂

We once had 3 rabbits and one has died, the other 2 had still, so it was planned, but shortly after the one has died, the two have not played so wild together and eaten less (now it is normal again).

But it is all the more important that a rabbit has at least one other, tell the mother that it would also be a bit easier for you, because rabbits throw when the claws of the other claws are too long mutual their claws. 🙃

If your mother does not allow you now, I would advise you to give it away.😞 Until you have made the decision, you could look again at the cradle/cass, you could put a few stones in (sweet to claw). You could make yourself made toys so that it doesn’t get bored. I hope I could help you a bit and your mother allows you to get another one!!!😊🤞

1 year ago

Give the first rabbit away when no second is allowed.

Or offer the animals to keep outside. Many people do not like the smells in the apartment

1 year ago
Reply to  Gustav709

You can. Either you give it off, or the animal suffers from loneliness.

1 year ago

The difference is that your own child does not suffer from loneliness when it is the only child. A person cannot replace a fellow and your rabbit suffers alone even if it does not show.

1 year ago

What? Can you express yourself understandably?

1 year ago

How did you get them to get you one or another? Why did you even get one if you know these animals are not allowed to live alone?

Make your mother aware that an individual attitude is simply inappropriate and animal torture. However, if she doesn’t allow you to do this, you’d better give the rabbit to someone’s care. If you are a minor and live in your mother’s house, she still has the last word.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gustav709

Then you should have said, “No, either at least two or none.”

1 year ago

But you get to know before you get an animal. It’s normal to make mistakes at first. But getting at least two animals is a basic criterion. That’s like getting a dog and saying, “I didn’t know I had to go with him.”

1 year ago


I don’t think that makes sense, because the effort is hardly increased.

It is also not as if you can choose this – rabbits must not be kept alone except in special cases.

That’s why you have to give the rabbit. Say that.

1 year ago

If your mother does not allow a second animal, you have to give away the first animal.
No rabbit is to be kept alone

1 year ago

Who cares about the rabbits? Take out, pick up food, spend time?

If your mother has to do something about it, I can understand it well!

1 year ago

Show your website:



1 year ago

Then put the single rabbit in a group.