Musterung bei der bundeswehr?

Hallo erstmal,

ich habe bald meine musterung bei der bundeswehr und ich sollte meine ärztlichen unterlagen mitnehmen, fragen sie da meinen Hausarzt nochmal persönlich nach oder reicht es wenn ich das mitnehme ?

danke im voraus

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1 year ago

The doctor is bound to his obligation to remain silent and may not provide any information unless you have dispensed him in writing from his obligation to remain silent or certain information is important for the treatment by another doctor.

Only exception: in a court proceedings, a doctor may be relieved of his obligation to remain silent when it comes to the clarification of a serious offence.

1 year ago

A questionnaire is filled in with possible diseases, best true. In doing so, nothing should be concealed, everything relevant to documents concerning health should be submitted during the patterning.

If no information has been given about any pre-disorders, this may later have a negative effect on the service relationship.

If there are uncertainties of a medical nature, you might be advised to be presented with a specialist.