Musstet ihr in der Schule mal nachsitzen?
Und warum?
Und warum?
ich habe letzte Woche krankheitsbedingt bei einer 2 Stündigen Psychologie Prüfung gefehlt. Am Freitag Abend hatten wir ein Schul- Benefiz-Konzert, wo mir meine Lehrerin so nebenbei mitgeteilt hat, dass ich am Dienstag in der 5 und 6 Stunde diese nachzuschreiben hätte. Obwohl ich ihr sagte, dass ich bereits in der 3 und 4 Stunde eine…
Welche Schuhgröße habt ihr und eure Klassenkamerad(inn)en? Bitte gebt an, welche Schuhgröße bei welcher Körpergröße ihr so habt. Danke!
Gestern saß ich im Bus…neben mir saß ein Student…plötzlich bekam ich einen Ständer…der student neben mir auch da er eine bäule zwischen den Beinen hatte…war etwas unangenehm….als wir ausgestiegen sind sagten wir uns beiden tschüss er etwas er sagte es mir einem schüchternen Lächeln…
Wer fühlt sich ganz generell einsam?
Was bedeutet es, wenn in einem Zeugnis eines Grundschülers steht, dass der Schüler “freundschaftlich” mit seinen Mitschülern sowie “anteilnehmend und unbeschwert” mit seinen Lehrern umgegangen sei? Ist das positiv zu werten oder so eine versteckte Formulierung wie aus einem Arbeitszeugnis? Danke & Grüße!
Nachdem ich gestern nach der Körpergröße gefragt habe, geht es heute um das Gewicht, auch wieder geschlechtergetrennt. Bei dieser konkreten Frage geht es um die Männer Ü18.Vielen Dank für Eure Teilnahme!
I just remember once. It could have happened more often, after all, it was more than half a century ago.
At that time collective penalties were still legally permissible and the whole class had to sit still in the classroom. Not even nasal cleaning was allowed. It was so loud in class during regular teaching that the teacher felt disturbed; Anyway, it was in the memory one you.
Sitting took place the same day. Whether one was freed from the measure, because one had an extracurricular appointment, depended on the grace of the respective teacher. Today, parents have to be informed about the educational measure before it takes place.
At that time it was considered that the whole class could thank those who disturbed the lessons. A view that is illegal today but still widespread.
Imagine a supermarket where a thief emptys the shelves. The branch manager closes the entrance and you don’t come in or out as a customer. It is then punished in the same way as the thief. Reasons: One was present when the theft happened. This would be the same understanding of law as at the time in school when sitting.
Greeting Matti
Thank you for the ⭐.
Greeting Matti
I never had to sit down, but if I was always a model student, I should judge others.
At my school, however, there was generally no after-seating, was at some point banned by court, because the mother of a student who was a lawyer had complained that there was too much arbitrary and unfounded after-seat at school and that the parents were not informed about the after-seating.
Yeah, because I’ve carved up the school table with a girlfriend (with pencil). We then had to clean the tables in two different rooms in one afternoon.
The punishment was quite unnecessary because the tables were already clean.
The whole class has once brought the geography teacher to run from the class in a cheerful manner.)
Then the rector came in and let the class sit down and this also controls itself.
Some then took a fight at home after they had to run home, because the last school bus was gone.)
Today, it would probably not be possible without parents complaining, and the school management itself gets trouble.
That was in the 70s, I think it was in the 7th or 8th class.
Hi Decemberr,
ha more often, and that was because of naughty and laziness.
There was no such thing at my schools. I always thought there was something like that in America because it always happens in movies.
LG Finn 18 ☺️
Couple times, more likely to belong to the guys when the shit was built I was usually blamed as a girl… but was also just such a phase of me up to 6 or so
Sometimes my mother managed to get me out somehow
LG Kira
No, I never had to.
Very often. It was just too stupid to do what others want.
I’d rather do what I want. And nothing else.
And because I can do something so big and strong. I could take your car and all your money. And you couldn’t do anything.
Believe quite everyone has to sit down sometime
I had to forget my homework at the time.
I didn’t, but that wasn’t what happened to us
I didn’t think you had to sit down because of this
When you sit down, you’ll get to know a lot of people you missed 🙂
I am sadly too old for
Let’s sit down again
Yes, but I’ve always been shining
Several house exercises not made
No, never before.
No, never before
Brave Rukaia
nope, I never had to
I don’t know why, at least in primary school
Yes, more often! I went to school in England and DIE were very (!) strict!