Did you also have to keep a tree diary at school?
Had to do that in 6th grade.
Had to do that in 6th grade.
I think grades are more about the teachers and schools and not about the students.
Does anyone have any tips for a Latin assignment? I know the vocabulary but I can never seem to translate it.
Hello folks! I obtained my secondary school diploma with an average grade of 1.3, and all this with a lot of hard work and discipline . Now I have changed schools and am at a Gymnasium (EF – 11th grade). The strange thing is that I hardly have any motivation to study anymore! :/ There…
Hey, Can you tell me why ratites are unable to fly even though they have wings?
Hello, I'm currently experiencing extreme self-doubt. The assignment states that I have to name all possible genotypes, but in class we started by examining gonosomal inheritance, and I can only find one autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. My question is: Is this correct? Is this an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern? Are there other possibilities I haven't…
Hey, I've been afraid of it for years. In the last few years it's gotten worse. I have a presentation tomorrow and I'm already panicking. I don't know what to do about it because apart from three people, nobody likes me.
Hab noch nie von einem Baumtagebuch gehört.
Nur in der Grundschule war es bei meinen Kindern so das die da mal in der 4. Klasse als Plassenprojekt drei, vier Pflanzen, glaube Tomate, Paprika und Bohne aus Samen gezogen und regelmässig Höhe gemessen und Blätter bzw. Triebe gezählt haben.
Ja wir auch in der dritten.
LG Yoki
Ja, in der fünften. Wir haben da so getrocknete Blätter reingelegt und dann Informationen zur Pflanze aufgeschrieben