Müssten sich die Gläser nicht eigentlich verdunkeln von der Brille beim Tageslicht?
Ich habe eine neue Brille bei dem sich die Gläser verdunkeln sollen. Meine ehemalige Brille von Fielmann war genauso. Da haben sich die Gläser immer verdunkelt, sobald ich herausgegangen bin. Doch diese verdunkeln sich gar nicht, als ich gestern herausging. Jetzt frage ich mich woran das genau liegt. Liegt das daran das keine Sonne schien oder muss ich die Brille doch reklamieren, weil die Gläser anders als beschrieben sind?
Phototropic spectacle lenses always darken at cold and also at sun.
Take the test and put your glasses in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Not in the freezer! Just in the fridge. If the glasses are not dyed after that, Fielmann is likely to fail an error and has accidentally ordered incorrect glasses.
Then you can go to Fielmann and talk to him.
Look into the line “Your Glass Specification”: is there PHT or FBL?
If FBL, then the glasses are colorless.
Please go to Fielmann and complain.
Okay, I’m just doing the test 😉
Sure. Please look at your order: is there a “PHT” in the line (the line under the glasses R and L with the diopters)?
Look again in my post, I added a photo.
Then please go and complain.
Nights please no overglasses carry as car or cyclist! Unless your ophthalmologist has arranged this medically, and you always carry this order with you.
No, they didn’t. Can you also use goggles for the night? Or are they nothing for sun rays? There are eyeglasses without vision for 120 EUR.
A note? Do you think the order confirmation? This is also the order number, and what you have to pay.
I can understand that you are now disappointed – but we are all people and also working with Fielmann people. And a mistake can happen… how do the glasses look now, have they colored?
I just got a note and I got it in the end. There’s nothing with PHT. I’m bitterly disappointed.
The glasses do not react to light but to ozone. The ozone content in the air is high enough on winter days to react. On cloudy days