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2 years ago

Or why is that not so important at all?

All necessary nutrients contained in the yogurt can also be found in lactose-free foods.

There are also lactose-free yogurts and lactase drugs.


2 years ago
Reply to  reepfine

But are these bacterial strains in there?

Lactose-free dairy products are simply only dairy products in which the dissaccharide lactose has already been split up during production and the two monosaccharides galactose and glucose.

This has nothing to do with yogurt cultures.

2 years ago

I mean lactose tolerant react mainly to lactose and not to the other ingredients. In addition, there are tablets that make it possible to consume.

Originally, all adults worldwide were lactoseintollerant. In Northern Europe, a great deal of milk has evolved for the people, because of this the survival of many generations has declined. Whoever did not consume milk simply did not survive the winter. Thus, a certain compatibility emerged.

2 years ago
Reply to  reepfine

Oh, no. As you know, there are bacteria that are harmful and bacteria that are helpful in digestion.

In dairy products, especially in yogurt, there are many “good” bacteria that support the digestive process in the intestine. Where the bacterial film is disturbed or disappeared, it is possible to promote and support the resettlement of useful intestinal bacteria via yogurt. The yogurt does not have to be probiotic. A normal yogurt (these white without additives) also create this.

2 years ago

yogurt or Milk products generally do not belong to natural human food. That is why this is not relevant to the intestine.
Most of the world’s population will become lactose-intolerant when they are pampered with breast milk.

2 years ago

Many people with lactose intolerance use small amounts of normal yogurt. There are also lactose-free yogurt. And there are other foods that contain lactic acid bacteria, such as sour wort.

The lactic acid bacteria are not a problem for people with lactose intolerance, but the lactose.

2 years ago
Reply to  werwiewas99

In sour weeds, it would theoretically be in it. But at the sour weed you buy, it’s all gone by heating.

2 years ago

People also survived when there was no probiotic yogurt. It is also known and proven that they have no benefit. It’s just advertising, nothing else.

2 years ago

I still eat everything with milk, so: No.

2 years ago
Reply to  reepfine

I’m not dying. Just get spray.

2 years ago

Almost every day. But you get used to it.

2 years ago

There are already all important bacteria in the intestine, so the so-called probiotic yogurts are also quite meaningless and only money-making.

2 years ago
Reply to  reepfine

This is mainly advertised by the people who make money with it, or just find it hip. Look at YT’s video of Sebastian Lege on probiotic yogurts.

There are studies that indicate a positive health effect in certain probiotic products. However, this is different from humans to humans and for the “probiotic products” from the supermarket it applies that they do not help.

2 years ago

Yeah, right. I remember the show with Sebastian Lege.

2 years ago
