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Ich hab ihn gerieben für eine Pizza aber noch nicht drauf gemacht er ist 10 tage abgelaufen er schmeckt eigentlich so wie immer nur kräftiger ist noch gut oder kommt nur weil er nachgereift ist ich habe ihn vorher erst aufgemacht.
in normal case, the meat prices in kilopa trips are awarded
in sausage sometimes per 100 grams
is logical: the operator does not know what quantity you want from – you place the order and fix the quantity, not it
on the ticket stand both the price of kilos and the weight and the price for this
you therefore have the price to compare (with other offers) and the price you have to pay for your order
I don’t know anything else – I don’t understand what you want
So? If you buy the finished packaged at the discounter or supermarket, you will also have the prices for 300g or 250g or 100g etc. and not the price per kilo. besides it is just by chance a kilo pack or the price is extra shown again on the product. but otherwise you have not only the price per kilo. So why should it be different with the butcher or the meat counter? In addition, no one will buy sausages and cheese in 1kg pack, so it would not be worth mentioning the kilo price
It’s bullshit.
The price for the 300 g on the pack is clear, but the kilo price is also shown on the label.
Yeah, not just at the meat counter.
The most important of the awarding law
The basic price is depending on product in kilograms…
No, they can also show the price for 100 grams.
That’s annoying. They’re gonna do that.
where is the problem – if the price per 100 grams is excellent, then multiply it with 10, then you have the kilo price – is that so heavy?
Otherwise, if the unit is not specified and you can (not necessarily) know, the price per 100 grams or per 1 kilo
That would really not be a problem to convert, imagine that they would give it after 238gr what they might be, but of course extremely impractical for everyone…
Yeah, they can. You just have to look carefully, then you can’t see the kilo price. This happens in the main thing, however, only with pigmett, for example, which is rarely bought by kilos.
Don’t bother me, you’ve got your price.
we all have stress – but I can’t blame the operator or the store owner
so it is
For the fact that the shop uses the “minimum trick” with the 100g one can hardly blame him.
I just get there sometimes, exhausted from stress, and then I really often spend more than I want.
Then I get angry and don’t go any longer. Then it is the nearest shop on the route…
Yeah, I’m a party dum.
With us this is
Let’s not tell you anything > The most important of the awarding law
Even if you’re still screaming, even your link doesn’t say that.
… A nonsensical picture and the link that again contains the quote that refutes your words…
At least read your own link.
Otherwise, you’ll only make yourself more ridiculous.
How should price tags and labels be designed?
Source, you know… PB
On the Internet, permanent large letters are considered screaming.
And, no matter how often you post the link, he doesn’t say what you say, what he would say, I’ll make it easy for you and quote you from your link that you obviously didn’t read it to the end:
Just as a hint: you should be so smart to read your own link before you crawl around.
screaming would be FETTThat’s far from me.
See Price award law
What is the case when it comes to a cash register.
Do not deny that the trader does not call kilo prices, but for example 100gr prices, or gram prizes.