Müssen unbedingt (immer) bestimmte Zähne wie Weisheitszähne oder Milchzähne, wenn ich eine feste Zahnspange habe auch mit dieser gezogen werden?

Wäre das auch nicht so immer ein bisschen schmerzhaft, wenn einem 2 Zähne mit fester Spange rausgenommen werden oder geht das so ???

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3 years ago

I don’t know exactly what you mean. But the wisdom teeth are often not out when you have a brace. And if they have to be pulled, this can only be done after the brace.

In milk teeth, it makes sense if they are out before you get a fixed brace. But they are not drawn to my knowledge.

3 years ago

Hello Felix,

In the past, teeth were more often pulled to create space for tooth levels. You try to avoid this today and you just do it if it must be absolutely necessary.

A fixed brace is normally used first when all remaining teeth are there. It can happen that a milk tooth, which has kept itself long, is pulled. But he would have come out sometime.

Wisdom toughnesses often come only after the treatment with fixed tooth chips and can ruin the whole result. That’s exactly how they lie and then come. They may also have to be pulled.

Good luck!


3 years ago

I can definitely tell you it doesn’t have to be like that. I had a fixed brace and neither a milk teeth nor a permanent one were pulled. Milk teeth all fell out by themselves, then the chip came and the rest is still there.

3 years ago

I had my whiteness teeth also worked out but at the place was no spange red eif times lit the dentist