Müssen Schauspieler tanzen können?

Ich möchte gerne Schauspieler werden und wüsste deshalb gerne, ob und wie gut ich tanzen können sollte. Welche Tanzstile sind wichtig? Wozu muss ich tanzen können?

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1 year ago

I know a acting school where dance is also taught. Somehow it belongs to it – yes. Singing, by the way.

1 year ago

What does it take to dance if you don’t get a role as an actor in which you have a dance performance? Many actors can’t dance well and if they have a role as dancers, take the dance lessons before. The same also applies to action scenes in which they have to fight with other actors or make use of weapons.

1 year ago

Short, no.

If an actor can’t dance a piece, you just take a dancer that looks similar to the scenes where you see the dance and in the close shots you take the normal actor again.

1 year ago

For shows like gzsz or all that counts it is enough if you only move on the spot. For everything else, you’ll get a script that you should do before it starts. And you’re being practiced