müssen meine Eltern wegen mir mehr Steuern zahlen?
Wenn ich in meinem Eltern haus wohne und Vollzeit arbeite, werde ich in die Steuerklasse meiner Eltern mit einbezogen oder bleibe ich weiterhin in einer eigenen? Und müssen meine Eltern wegen mir mehr Steuern zahlen?
No, you won’t.
Yeah, you stay in your tax class.
No, they don’t.
Basically, it’s like this:
As you can see at best in tax class 2 you have an influence on the tax class of your parents.
The same applies to the tax fixed under the tax return. In principle, German income tax law does not care about housing.
No – yes – no!
For the tax class of parents counts only if married or not, in your case
If you are self-employed, the child’s allowance will be waived for your parents. If you live with your parents and pay rent, your parents have to tax them. You see, your parents pay more taxes, but not more than if you were not existent.
No, they don’t.