Muss zuerst die Mastercard da sein, damit das C24 Konto funktioniert?
Nach Eröffnung eines Kontos vorgestern, sind bisher keine Überweisungen eingegangen. Muss ich erst warten bis die mastercard geliefert wird und dies aktivieren, damit es funktioniert?
Auf der Überweisung wurde der Name, die iban und die Bank ( c24 ) vermerkt. Wieso kommt kein Geld rein?
No, the account can also be used directly after creation, even before the card(s) have arrived. Also commissioned the C24 accounts directly after creation, and they received no problem on the next bank working day
Did you get the transfer?
I’ve been C24 for a few days and I’ve been working with everything. Have already made an instant transfer one day after the creation and immediately receive it.
Normal transfers arrive at 3:00 in the morning. I sent with my other account a wire transfer to a Thursday (after the acceptance period) and it arrived only Monday morning.
I hadn’t had the card yet and could not activate it as long as I didn’t have it.
When you can use the account, the bank will notify you.
When the account was opened before yesterday: When did you transfer anything to it? How?
Did you transfer it by transfer agent (paper)?
The transfer was made by someone else. Once a standard Sepa transfer (daily early) and from another online account yesterday evening a real-time transfer via a colleague (test).
Both did not arrive.
The Sepa transfer can still arrive during the day (if executed online). Why the real-time transfer didn’t arrive directly, I can’t say. Wait till tonight, otherwise contact the support.