Muss mich der Bus Fahrer in solch ein Fall mitnehmen?
Heute ist folgendes passiert, wollte Bus fahren zum Bahnhof kostet 3€ hatte aber nur 50€ Scheine dabei, der meinte grimmig geh durch ich bin doch keine Bank
Naja gut für mich, mich interessiert bloß was wenn’s anders rum passiert wäre und er mich aufgrund des 50€ Schein nicht mitnimmt ?
darf der das? Immerhin hab ich ein gültiges Zahlungsmittel
In their general terms and conditions, the transport companies have clauses which regulate the extent to which bus and rail drivers accept cash when selling tickets on the spot, with respect to the number of coins and the amount of money. This is usually limited to a maximum of 20 € notes if I remember it correctly.
Under the usual conditions of transport, the driver is not obliged to change larger bills. Instead, he can issue you a receipt of the remaining amount that you can collect the bill when managing the bus company.
With us it is common that the bus driver accepts larger bills and sells the ticket.
However, it does not have to issue the balance if it cannot change. Instead, it will issue a certificate, which will allow you to collect the remaining money from a company ticket sales office.
The drivers usually do not carry huge amounts of money. This reduces some of the predatory activities that bus drivers are sometimes exposed to.
If you are full-year, the bus driver only has to have determined change sizes, changeability and acceptance, but in children and juveniles he may have to consider higher protection categories, at least in case of one-time problems in the transport obligation (especially on pure school lines).
From the end of the 18th century For the year of life, however, he may leave you in doubt, if you come with a “big” appearance that the individual situation cannot change at times (more) .
The terms and conditions of the bus companies usually require that only bills up to €10,- (some also €20,-) may be used for payment and that is legally permissible.
Theoretically not because everyone should pay. But good so, money saved 😉
You have no right to go anywhere or to enter a transport contract with you.
There are exceptions, minors at 23:00 somewhere at A.d.W. or something. Otherwise, no, no obligation.
The fact that he lets you go anyway is owed to his greatness, and of that kind of nice of him (I hope you thanked you decently), he could have refused and let you stand.
Yes, he can. It is not obliged to accept a 50 Eurocard for an amount of 3 Euros.
You knew before that you had only big bills, you had enough time to get those bills smaller.
As a cashier, I do not accept a 50 Euro bill for an amount of zb 4 Euro.
I’m not a money exchange.
What if I say do 5
No, you’re in charge. If you don’t have any money, that’s your problem not that of the bus driver or cashier or anyone else.
If he can’t change, it’s your problem at the end of the day. That means either you pay $50, or you stay. Many machines in the railway can also not change, or do not accept banknotes in this size – the same principle. You’re in charge.
There is NO promotional bid. It is specified in the terms of transport that you need to keep matching small money available. It’s too reasonable to change your mind somewhere.
No, a bus driver doesn’t have to have so much change. It’s reasonable for you to take care of money beforehand.