Muss meine gesetzliche Krankenversicherung wissen, ob ich noch verbeamtet bin?

Hallo, ich bin Anfang 2023 als Beamtin in den Ruhestand geschickt worden. Ich bin nun 42 Jahre alt. Es hat eine lange Vorgeschichte, zumindest sind da auch von Seiten der Behörde Fehler gemacht worden, indem man sich nicht an deutliche ärztliche Empfehlungen, bei bereits 3 Wiedereingliederungsversuchen, dass der Einsatzort dringend gewechselt werden soll, gehalten wurde.

Nunja, ich habe mich dazu entschieden eine Umschulung (neue Ausbildung) anzufangen, in der ich ja logischerweise einer sozialversicherungspflichtigen Arbeit nachgehe und somit habe ich die private KK verlassen und bin in eine gesetzliche KK eingetreten.

Der Dienstherr weiß von meiner neuen Tätigkeit. Nun fragt aber die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung nach, dass ich einen Nachweis über die Beendigung des Beamtenverhältnisses erbringen soll? Einen zuvor geschickten Nachweis über die Kündigung der privaten KK reicht wohl nicht aus. Was soll das denn, wozu ?

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1 month ago

They want to clarify the status if you’re really liable. It’s not unusual.

Theoretically, a constellation is conceivable that a person entitled to assistance (official) has a further (official) employment relationship in parallel, in which he would be liable for himself alone.

that is the same as if someone is self-employed +.

Then it depends on which of the two jobs prevails.

The question is, are you still entitled to a grant and are you still getting an insolvency? If no – then everything is cleared, then you are liable.

If the eligible activity is to outweigh and if you are not subject to a status determination procedure, then yes – you are not liable. Then you are hired with salary under JAEG and yet you are holding aid + half PKV

1 month ago

As long as you are an official, the freedom of insurance remains as an official n. § 6 para. 1 No. 2 SGB V according to § 6 para. 3 SGB V also exist if an insurance obligation n. § 5 Abs 1 No. 1 SGB V (workers, employees, trainees).

The same applies also in the case of compulsory insurance during a benefit for participation in working life (retraining) n. § 5 para. 1 No. 6 SGB V.

It is said that although you would, in fact, be subject to social insurance, the existing civil servant relationship blocks the insurance obligation in the GKV. So you stay privately insured. A voluntary membership of the GKV is not possible at first sight.

1 month ago

You are retired, so stay in the private KV, and the rest pays the aid, so I read the rules.

Good luck.

1 month ago

Be happy if you are allowed to return to the GKV at all, something like this is no longer possible from the current legal situation, do this in the quiet and do not post it everywhere, say with the staff council or the lawyer of your trust about it, otherwise with no one.

1 month ago

Probably because the decision whether legal or private KV is binding for officials and cannot be changed later. That’s why they need proof that you’re not an official anymore.

1 month ago

I could imagine that because their performance depends on it.

1 month ago

If it’s obvious – if your civil servant’s relationship still exists, you’d be eligible for help and would have to keep you private. Only when you have really left the civil service is the way back to the GKV open. So, of course, you have to prove that you have definitively abandoned your civil service.

1 month ago
Reply to  Corika

Jo, but you obviously didn’t hear about these officers. And so you have to prove to those who have a legitimate interest that you are no longer in the civil service and are therefore right in the GKV.

1 month ago

Sure she must know