Muss man Termine bei Autohäusern machen?
Hi, ein Kumpel und ich wollen uns unser erstes Auto kaufen, deshalb werden wir ein paar Autohäuser besuchen…Muss man dafür Termine machen, also wir wollen erst schauen und beraten werden und nicht direkt irgendwas kaufen
You don’t have to, but it’s better. If a salesman is free, you’re lucky. However, if they are all stored by customers at the moment, the waiting time is to be expected. I’ve always made an appointment.
You don’t need an appointment normally. However, if you want to look at and drive a specific car there, you will.
if you want to make a test drive already, it can be that the car has to be driven out when it is parked and that sometimes takes a bit
If you wish a consultant, then appointment 😀 Otherwise you can just look at the carts in the yard, usually there are signs with engine characteristics, etc. For test journey, please
Just go and see how good you are doing
fortunately these unspeakable Corona bans have finally been abolished
You don’t need an appointment. Maybe just have to schedule some waiting time.
No need