Muss man seine Verwandten mögen?
Meine Großeltern veranstalten an Weihnachten und an Geburtstagen immer Familienfeiern, zu denen ich immer mitmuss. Meine nahen Verwandten(Großeltern, Onkel, Tante) finde ich ja nicht schlimm, aber mit den anderen habe ich sonst halt nichts zu tun. Besonders bei der Familie meiner Mutter merke ich oft, dass über sie gelästert wird und meine Geschwister und ich mehr wie Außenseiter sind. Ich finde die meisten einfach nur scheiße und deren pseudo-fürsorgliches Gerede macht mich einfach nur wütend. Ist das normal?
Just because you’re related, you don’t have to like the buzzing relationship for a long time. And on public holidays, when everyone sits on each other and makes for Friede-Freude-Eierkuchen, a lot of explosives is in it.
After I had tormented myself for many years and had stomach pain, diarrhea and sleepless nights weeks before, a wise therapist advised me to just say clearly NO.
Since then, I’ve only been going to such celebrations when I’m after it. You can’t imagine how liberating this is.
You don’t have to!
I like my family even if everyone has a Macke in their way but I still like it because I grew up with them and they were always part of my life
You can also take a couple of hours together and take part in a family celebration.
This is often due to the fact that the person to whom it is about comes down negatively, you feel their dislike,
I hate to do it for hours as if the life of my distant relatives, who in the end only want to blaspheme about my parents, is of interest to me.
Where’s your problem? Then make it clear to your parents.
I know what you mean. There is made on family, and everyone must have love, under the back is annoyed over your thick butt. I don’t waste time with such fellow human beings anymore.
You’re coming back. Problems are there to solve.
My problem is that on family celebrations, everything and everyone is haunted, but at the same time it is done in mega forgiving. I have no nerves left
No, you don’t have to. You can’t choose his relatives either.