Muss man Namen zitieren?
Ich habe hier folgenden Satz, in dem ich kurz die Handlung eines Romans zusammenfasse für eine Hausarbeit.
„Es handelt um den jungen Mann XY welcher im Schloss XYZ aufwuchs.“
XY und XYZ stehen hierbei logischerweise für Namen, die ich dem Roman entnehme. Muss ich da eine Fußnote dranhängen oder reicht es, wenn ich die Namen ohne weiteres da einfüge?
You have to mention somewhere the novel is about.
And after “XY” put a comma. In addition,
“of” and not “um” something.
Will be mentioned in the sentence before and thank you for the correction!
You have to specify its sources….
Of course, I was just not sure if this is the case with simple name playback. Thanks anyway
If you make a review of a particular book, you should also name the protagonists mentioned in it.
Without these names, you write the whole genus of books.
It’s about a housework for school, so the whole thing has to be done with source list. That’s why I was wondering if it had to be performed. I realize that the names have to be in there.
If you stay non-binding, you could any have read book from this circle of interests.