Muss man mit Stress umgehen können?
Muss man mit Stress umgehen können?
Muss man mit Stress umgehen können?
Hallo ich war in einer voll Entgiftungsklinik, vorher 6 Monate tilidin als es nichtmehr wirkte Morphin Tabletten kleingemacht, ich war komplett anderer Mensch und werde nie wieder opiate nehmen. Hatte Schnauze voll vom polamidon und bin in die Entgiftungsklinik habe komplett die 8ml polamidon gewechselt auf 600mg Substitol da ich das besser vertragen habe, beikonsum…
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Hey, Ich befinde mich zur Zeit in einer Diagnostik- Psychotherapie. Ich bin mir jedoch unsicher, ob ich folgendes ansprechen sollte, oder ob dies unrelevant ist: In Stresssituationen und psychischen Tiefpunkten tendiere ich dazu, mich selbst stark zu kneifen, zu beißen, zu schlagen und mich leicht zu kratzen (das aber nicht Tief und ohne Rückstände). Das…
Keeping stress and being able to handle it is not a “must” but very advantageous.
If in situations that cause stress, you can’t keep a clear head and make right decisions, this is quite a disadvantage in many situations in your entire life.
possessing resilience is always good and the more so beser
Depends on what you want to do in life. For example, musicians: if you want to play performances as a musician, you must be able to play your instrument despite nervousness.
In many professions you have a certain level of stress that you have to deal with.
A < must > is not necessary, but it makes sense to deal with negative stress properly.
Here are some tips:
“10 Tips for dealing with stress | UNIQA Austria”
“Tipps for dealing with stress”
I think stress has been experienced by everyone or is constantly experiencing it.
The ones can handle it well, the others don’t.
If you don’t have to, but if you want to have life a little “better” then it would be an advantage to deal with stress.
Then why would it be a good idea to deal with stress?
It is important to be able to deal with stress because it could otherwise burden your health.
You can learn to deal with stress properly.
And how do you learn how to deal properly with the stres?
Learn to distinguish between positive and negative stress.
Reduce speed, often stress becomes less when you organize your everyday life a little different.
Set priorities
Take notes to forget what’s important.
Find a balance to the profession and drive sports
Sleep enough
Eat healthy and balanced
Get up in time and get on your way in time to avoid time pressure.
Change what can be changed. Accept what cannot be changed and make the best of it.
Practice serenity, learn to stay calm even in stress situations.
This depends on what it is.
For example, in traffic jam, instead of annoying you, because you can’t do anything against the traffic jam, you can run telephone calls, make appointments or postpone, chat with passengers, think about what you want to do the next days and so on.
What do you want me to do?
Because it’s stressing you if you can’t change anything and don’t accept it as it is. Then make the best of it.
Why should I accept what does not change?
In my opinion, one should strive to cope with different situations in life and arrange with things. It makes it more pleasant and simpler.
Of course you have to!
Who can’t do that remains in the lap because others have to think for him when it becomes hectic and stressful.
To cry because you can’t handle stress does not help any more…
Why does it not help to cry when you have stress?
And then why stay in jail forever if you can’t deal with stress?
Does it change the situation?
Yes or no?
Because you never become self-employed and can live alone.
One answer after another:
Answer to the question- you wanted to know:
Does it change the situation?
Yes or no?
Why do you never become self-employed?
You should be able to. In some ways, stress can be used as a motivation. Without stress, no search for solutions. Without searching for solutions no learning effect.
Yes, of course. Otherwise, the stress can eventually become a burden and thus also dangerous to health.
Why can stress otherwise lead to stress and become harmful to health?
Stress can lead to burnout, for example. However, other problems may also occur.
You can “should” deal with stress…
Otherwise, you only have it unnecessarily hard in life.
Why do I have trouble in life?
If you can’t handle stress, you don’t have it easy.
Definitely. But you also have to know its limits.
Of course, you have to learn about all things that are inevitable.
Why are these inevitable?
That wasn’t the question.
No, let’s stress you.
Why would I stress?
If you can’t handle stress, you’re stressful.
So you can deal with stress?
You don’t have to do anything, but it would help you personally if you can. In the end, you yourself would suffer it.
To your own.
Because living is more chilling
You don’t have to do it, no one can force you.
Of course, you get clear in the best case with stress. The overcrowded psychiatric institutions show that this doesn’t always work.
Why do the overcrowded psychiatric facilities show? How do you know?
Because mental illness increases. Also due to stress that one is exposed to by the new media.