Muss man in der Prüfung auf der Autobahn selbstständig überholen oder kann man theoretisch die ganze Zeit auf der langsamen rechten Spur bleiben?

Weil wenn man gerade links ist und der Prüfer sagt raus aus der Autobahn ist es manchmal schwer wieder nach rechts zu kommen wenn da viele LKWs sind

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1 year ago

Must be overhauled on the highway independently

Of course, the examiner wants to know if you can.

or can you theoretically stay on the slow right track all the time?

No! 1. show that you are not yet able to carry a car safely through traffic and 2. is not allowed in principle. One should, no one should drive as fast as possible, not faster, but also not slower, unless there is anything to do with the like of dense transport or vision – and weather conditions. i.e. at the AB without limit straightening speed 130 km/h. You should know as a fake candidate. But all that should have been told to you by your instructor, if not, helps to ask.

1 year ago

I’ve never heard anyone had to look at a four-lane road.

But yes, you have to overtake, to show that you can.

The liar between the trucks is big enough to get in there. In addition, there are 1km before the departure signs and you should also know the circumstances when it comes. Then you drive over and off. No examiner tells you 200 meters before you get out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scusselbudd

I would rather say that is the rule as the exception that one also comes in an exam on a highway or highway-like road.

1 year ago

That would be more a sign that you are very uncertain, which can and will be negatively interpreted.

In the end, this is all a matter of balancing

1 year ago

We have a right-handed command.

That means you have to go right as soon as there is a greater gap.

1 year ago

You should change the track on a suitable occasion. And return.