Muss man für eine Auswanderung nach Grönland unbedingt Grönländisch oder Dänisch können?
Oder kommt man auch irgendwie anders durch?
Oder kommt man auch irgendwie anders durch?
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Ich habe Interesse auszuwandern, welches Land wäre Ideal und welche Tipps habt Ihr wie man vorgehen sollte. Schreibt bitte am besten dazu ob Ihr selbst ausgewandert seid oder es vorhabt etc.
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If you want to live, work or study in Greenland, according to my research, you do not need Danish or Greenland knowledge, although, of course, learning the national language is not only very useful, but is also expected to be one over time.
Since Greenland is not an independent state, there is no nationality of Greenland; Greenland has Danish citizenship. If you are not a citizen of a Nordic country (i.e. Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland), a prior work and residence permit is required. As a German one does not need to apply for a visa. See the following pages:
If you would like to acquire a Danish citizenship, Danish skills are required (see – Danish citizenship: This is how naturalisation works).
In the larger cities one should be able to cope well with English, especially in Nuuk and Ilulissat, who are often foreigners or Tourists are visited. In the smaller, less touristic places it could be more difficult, although English is taught at schools. In any case, it is always advisable to have a Danish translator for security. However, there are also Greenland countries that do not rule English or Danish (good), like a taxi driver I met during my trip to South Greenland in Qaqortoq.
In larger cities (e.g. Nuuk, Kulusuk and the cities at the southern tip), you can also get through with English.
German… yes, they are isolated, but is difficult to find them.
Have you ever been to Greenland or do you know someone who was there?
I was a German speaking tourist guide in Kulusuk for 3 months. I have agreed with the people there but in English or broken Icelandic..
Yes, definitely. It was very quiet and almost untouched.
Would you say that Greenland is the least touristic of all the countries you traveled?
Most of them were private, not professional.
How come you had to travel so much as a computer scientist?
I was only there and in Poland guide. Otherwise, I’m from the IT industry and just traveling.
I’ve read that you’ve been a lot of professionally traveling around the world and have already visited almost 100 countries. Are you still working as a guide?
That was 2011. I didn’t see a cruise ship there. There came 1x a small airplane with tourists, food and criminals.
On average it was mixed between 6 and 20 tourists from all over the world.
At that time there was hardly any tourism in Greenland, so it was very unusual.
How many tourists have you met in Kulusuk compared to Iceland (e.g. cruise ships)? How long has it been?
No, not for them. I wanted to give it to myself. Far away and above all: Silence!
As far as I know they have made a small world trip – Scandinavia, with a short stop in Greenland and then went further towards Canada.
Do you remember why your parents went to Nuuk? Was that one of the reasons why you worked in Greenland?
My parents were at some point in the 70s in Nuuk (then Godthåb).
Otherwise I don’t know anyone in my environment.
Yes, I generally prefer the north than sun and beach.
Does the Arctic generally irritate you? Do you happen to know another one (from the family or the friend and acquaintance) who was already in Greenland?
No, just there.
Was there somewhere else except Kulusuk?
I had booked an island trip with a day trip to Greenland. However, since I had all the time in the world (release of profession) I asked the then Danish guide whether they might need German-speaking gains over the summer months.
He then called his boss, met us third, got there accommodation, and after a short schooling it started – from July to September.
How did you get to work in Greenland as a guide?
In Denmark you can also get through very well with English. I don’t know Greenland.
In my eyes, you would simply be a parasite.
What does that have to do with parasit?
This has nothing to do with a parasite. Fucking laughs.
I wonder. What about migrants? It could be business.
To be able to Danish is a duty.
In the article, emigration sounds so easy. If you can English, look here again. This is from the official Danish website. German is one of the people who are considered third-country nationals (Greenland is not part of the EU).
Have you ever been to Greenland or do you know someone who was there?
If you emigrate into a country it should be natural that you also learn the language of the country
That’s it. English is also enough for the beginning. I think everyone will also have the interest of getting to know the people.
You should always learn the country language when you live longer in a country.
Have you ever been to Greenland or do you know someone who was there?
No. But the statement applies to every country. Even if many people speak English, for example, you will make much better contacts and understand people better when you learn the language.
I know someone who emigrated to Denmark. He has reported that after a few months, acquaintances have already refused to speak with him English.
I’d be glad to have someone here with whom I could talk permanently in English.
Question ; What fascinates you about Greenland? I have opened the first Google images of Greenland for interest and can only say…brrrah , looks cold from 😬.
English always goes.
Were you there once?