Muss man Einkommemssteuer und Abgeltungssteuer zahlen?

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Meine Frage ist:

Wenn man eine Kapitalgesellschaft gegründet hat zahlt man Abgeltungssteuer in Höhe von 25% wenn man sich seine Gewinne ins Privatvermögen auszahlen lassen möchte.

Wenn ich genau das tue muss ich dann trotzdem zusätzlich als Privatperson Einkommensteuer auf diese Erträge zahlen ?

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3 years ago

The capital income tax is, on the one hand, a deferred tax, but, on the other hand, a form of income tax, i.e. if the personal tax rate is below 25%, it is appropriate to indicate the amount of capital and the capital income tax paid in the income tax declaration, the capital income tax is then calculated on the income tax.

3 years ago

Alternatively, you can also hire yourself as managing director at the GmbH and pay you a salary. Whether the cheaper one is a computing task

3 years ago
Reply to  Highlands

This is not cheaper because the salary is social insurance.

3 years ago
Reply to  lesterb42

But not with the sole shareholder managing director

3 years ago

Of course I give you the right. If one apparently knows as little about matter as the FS is a tax advisor m.E. anyway advisable.

3 years ago

I don’t read out that. Seems to be more complex in Detai. In any case, this aspect should be taken into account if one decides for a construction in which the profit of the company is derived from the management salary.

3 years ago insurance/partner

Keyword of significant influence

3 years ago

You know more. Source would be nice.

3 years ago

yes, there are 25% capital income tax + Soli (5.5% of the Cape) + if necessary Church tax.

This means that the tax debt has been deducted (because the name deferred tax) and no income tax is incurred.

However, it may be advantageous, depending on the amount, to opt for a collective investment under the income tax statement.