Muss man eine Schwangerschaft dem Arbeitgeber melden?
Ich hab am Freitag einen schwangerschaftstest gemacht und er hat so fort positiv angeschlagen. Ich hab es mal selber grob ausgerecht ich bin in der 9 ssw heist ungefähr 3 monat .Ich hab aber allerdings erst am 23.12.2024 einen Frauenarzt Termin und weiß jetzt nicht ob ich es meinem Chef schon mal sagen soll oder ob ich lieber bis zum 23.12 warten sollte .
I’d say spontaneously: Share it with him right away.
ABER You have not yet the final confirmation of your FA, you will only get it in 6 days. It might be wiser to wait this time. But this is only and only DEINE decision.
Oki all clear thanks
At the doctor you will also receive a written confirmation of the work if the pregnancy is intact.
All clear thanks
Depending on where you work, you may need to inform your employer immediately. These include labs and workstations where you work hard physically.
It is a company where cream and other things are made and there I am in cleaning but I am exposed to things such as acidity and sulfur and lukewarm
Your company should have appropriate guidelines for pregnant women. It must also be determined when the employer is to be informed immediately. Acids and alkalis are not necessarily problematic for the first time. It is of course very important for concentration and type, but if cosmetics are concerned, I assume that no smoking sulfuric acid is used.
In the event of a doubt, your women’s envoy or the occupational safety officer shall ask in accordance with the regulations. These must theoretically also be obligated to remain silent in such cases (unfortunately one can never completely exclude gossip mouls)
This is true but I will make many thanks