Muss man da was bezahlen?


ich (w26) übernachte heute bei meiner Freundin (w24) und ihre kleine Schwester(w14) ist auch da.

Die hatte ca 2 Jahre eine zahnspange die sie vor einem Jahr abbekommen hat. Jetzt hat sie eine lockere, hat aber heute gebeichtet das sie die nie getragen hat und die gerade auch nicht passt. Ihre Zähne sind aber noch gerade und sehen noch gut aus.
Sie macht sich sorgen das ihre Eltern jetzt viel Geld bezahlen müssen und wir finden im Internet keine genaue Antwort ob das teuer wird….

Also falls ihr euch in dem Bereich auskennt. Ist das ein Problem? Wird das teuer? Und was soll sie ihrem Kieferorthopäden sagen, bzw macht das dann einen Unterschied wenn sie zugibt das sie die nie getragen hat?
LG Moka :^)

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7 months ago

Hello MokaTakami,

If the treatment has been completed, this is your problem now. If the retainer arm no longer fits, then the teeth have moved. That’ll go on. Either one does nothing and ruins the laboriously created position, or one prepares new tanker chips, which at least keep the result now present or one starts a second treatment at some point. A reservoir costs the pine orthopedic from 100 € per pine, then there are still prints and the poor guy wants to earn something.

If the treatment has not yet been completed, the orthodontic orthodontics will find that the chips have not been worn. You can’t catch that. He will stop the treatment and you will not receive the 20% share of property and that’s it.

It should also have happened that, despite everything, the orthodontic orthodontics complete the treatment “successful”. If the thing gets out, his cash register is on the game.

Good luck!


7 months ago

what it’s koster or not no idea- but beom pine orthopedists call that they can’t wear because the alleged past and hasn’t been worn since then – they want to check this and let it look – don’t think that what costs

7 months ago
Reply to  ArminJ19732023

There is also nothing to do if the CFO sees that has been slammed while wearing it can lay down the further treatment and money from the health insurance there is likewise not back.

7 months ago
Reply to  IWhySoSeriousI

yes that’s true – but if she says she didn’t wear it because it didn’t fit anymore m can adapt it. I had carried my nightspan at the end also less because she had pressed – this had been said but you had not done anything

7 months ago

yes that is true of course – I assumed that it does not do so

7 months ago

This related to the girl here, not to you, and there is a stupid idea of wanting to cheat KFO and KK.

7 months ago

no excuse at me that was at the end when he had to give it then everything was okay otherwise

7 months ago

Very bad excuse, there are enough chip models that can be widened and even tightened up, even children of the age of 6-7 already create.

7 months ago

You can also see nothing because I are all not orthodontic orthodontics, only this one sees whether something has changed or not, if he finds that they have not held up, their parents will simply not get back the money and if necessary the treatment will also be stopped and thus forwarded to the KK.

7 months ago
Reply to  MokaTakami

Again, you’re not pine orthopaedics, this is the next time the CFO is in the next treatment.

7 months ago

No, that’s not a reason, and you shouldn’t try anything with the health insurance, unless you want to be under observation, something is possible, and I have the dance with my mother’s ex, which also meant to have to be so bad.