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2 years ago

However, this is not the taste, but the smoke that triggers a kind of protective reflex through the irritation.

2 years ago

If you smoke too many cigarettes in then yes.In the beginning I would start with half a cigarette or rather take blonde cigarettes as they have less nikotin

2 years ago

Usually not. If you smoke a lot or a lot of strong stuff, it may be a good thing.

2 years ago

If you want to smoke, it’s yours. However, I have been watching this trend in teenagers for a long time: they want the drug, but are too soft. For example, they don’t taste beer, but because they want to find themselves “cool” and “growing” they buy beer that tastes like limo. Anyone who consumes drugs must also be able to endure the unpleasant side effects, including coughs when smoking. And no, the taste does not help.

2 years ago

Inhaling smoke, the cough irritation is the natural reaction, no matter how the smoke smells and tastes.