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Don’t have to, but if you don’t want to stay on the track, you should definitely.
The fewest companies give you the opportunity to further develop yourself free during the working hours – i.e. without requirements – but this is important because everything is constantly evolving.
The company doesn’t bother it, they have exactly what they need in you, more know-how always means stress at first glance, because then there are some suggestions for risky modernization.
But if you want to change the company at some point, it will be relevant, because the next company is possibly further and needs more modern know-how, which you can’t offer, even if you were really well suited and would even be fun for you.
My experience exists in these professions (so SysAdmin, software developer, etc.) more or less two large groups:
The latter are those who will be successful in this profession.
The first one should consider whether this really is what they want to do in the long term, because it does not stop. The motivation for this is best from you, if you don’t have this motivation, you will always have to force yourself to it, or you will inevitably stay on the track – or you’re lucky to find a company that takes you, but that’s rare.
Of course, that does not mean that every professional starter should throw the Flinte directly into the grain. The best thing is to try it for one/two/three years and see if you want to do it in the long term.
And look to the left and to the right, many companies live in the past, it happens again and again that you find something by chance, what is doing right, but with which the company does not work (or wants to work). Then an employer change would be appropriate and maybe you belong to Group 2 😉
Don’t have to, but it’s recommended. At work you rarely have time to keep your knowledge up to date and that is very important in IT. Lately, if you want new job, you should invest some time in learning.