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Hallo meine Frage ist oben im Titel
In training, there are usually mice that are examined. For example, who works in a state food laboratory must also examine meat. There are no attempts made, but search for possible diseases. Organs are seized, often it is the eye of an animal that is technically removed by the laboratory technician and the retina is examined. There are many diseases that can be seen.
In my training, no animal experiments were made, which depends on the respective school. Later, when you work, it comes to where you apply, there are more than enough laboratories without animal testing.
I have completed my education as a BTA in 2021 at the Berufskolleg Maria Stemme in Bielefeld.
Whether animal experiments are carried out depends on where you are training and how teachers are on this topic. In my training, we have only carried out experiments on plants, fungi, viruses and bacteria.
But best ask again how the vocational schools you may be involved in.
And did you find the material simple or heavy? Do you have to learn a lot?
I’m sorry I’m not answering so late.
In biology in general, most of what you learn bluntly is memorizing, which has always been a bit exhausting for me. If you’re good at learning, then the training shouldn’t be too hard.
However, in addition to teaching theory, you also have practical lessons where you conduct laboratory experiments and you have to write protocols. I found that harder.
Little tip from me if you decide for this training: Take time to put yourself back and forth during laboratory tests and write down your work steps that you have done until then step by step.
Depends on where you work and how the task is. Maybe, but it doesn’t.
Yes, animal experiments can occur in the course of the training.
Why can animal experiments be carried out in the course of the training?
It belongs to the profession and is in the training order.