MUSS ich zwei fächer studieren?
Ich lebe seit 8 Jahren in der Türkei und möchte gerne mein Studium Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Deutschland fortsetzen oder ein neues Studium in animation beginnen. Einer meine Freundinnen meinte aber nun dass ich 2 Fächer gleichzeitig studieren muss und das es eben in Deutschland so wäre. Ich glaubte es zuerst nicht da es nicht wirklich einen Sinn ergibt? Vielleicht gilt es nur für Lehrer aber für alle Studiengänge? Kann mich bitte jemand in diesem Thema erleuchten?
So in the past, the distinction was tw. Diploma and Master Degrees! The degree courses (and others) were only necessary for subjects where there were many other subjects. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Engineers, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Law, Medicine, Economy (BWL/VWL), … especially MINT subjects.
In the Magister programs you had 2 or even 3 subjects! German Studies, Anglistik, Geschichte, Politik, …the so-called humanities.
Teachers also had 2, or almost 3 subjects, namely their teaching subjects and pedagogy!
In principle, this is still the case today, but last (almost) all Bachelor&Master (some state exams).
And how is it when doing Bachelor&Master?
There are still single and double courses. However, there are also much more ‘combined’ courses that did not exist 30 years ago!
As the first, there’s a ‘economic informatics’ that I don’t know since when it is! There are e.g. ‘LiveScience’ with building blocks from chemistry/biochemistry/bio/medicine/biotechnology
When I was still studying (Chemie), someone asked me, “Waaas? Just one compartment? Other study 2 or 3!”
I was so perplexed that I didn’t know any answer…and I didn’t know the right explanation (Dipl. vs. Magister) either! Imein…I had math, physics, inorganic/organic/physical/technical chemistry, analysis, preperative chemistry, crystallography, …that ‘rich’ yes!