Muss ich zum Arbeitsamt?

Ich habe meinen Job verloren.

Das Arbeitsamt hat angerufen (meinen Vater) wegen einem Termin.

Muss ich dahin?

Ich will nicht. Ich brauche keine Unterstützung weder finanziell noch mit Ratschlägen, die konnten mir noch nie helfen und reden mich nur schlecht.

Kann ich absagen?

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1 month ago

The call is basically worthless.

Do I have to?

If you don’t need an unemployment benefit and the associated health insurance – no.

1 month ago

Yeah, you can cancel, but it could have consequences. If you want to apply for unemployment benefit, the notification to the employment office is mandatory. If you don’t need financial support and are not in a mandatory consultation, you can cancel the appointment. However, it does not harm to go to check possible opportunities or promotions.

1 month ago
Reply to  Echo999

A call has no legal meaning.

1 month ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

Wrong only because he does not create a direct legal obligation does not mean that he is unsuccessful. The employment office does not call for fun to ignore it, can later follow an official invitation or sanction. Clever people act strategically instead of relying on semi-gare paragraph logic.

1 month ago

A call is and remains insignificant? Sounds more like wishful thinking than reality. Clever people understand the difference between “no direct commitment” and “no consequences”.

The employment office does not call from boredom. If you ignore the call, it can follow an official invitation, registration or even a penalty. Who thinks that a call has no meaning, underestimates how administrations work – or has just never been seriously involved with authorities.

Clever people don’t just ignore everything and hope it has no consequences. You know when it is strategically wise to react and when not. So, if you were really smart, you wouldn’t pretend that a call would automatically have zero relevance – but you’d consider whether it’s important or not in this case.

1 month ago

A call is and remains insignificant.

Clever people can handle this 🙂

1 month ago


So the employment office doesn’t just call people. Someone’s got to report you unemployed. And yes, you are obliged to report to unemployed people. Excerpt from the law:
The unemployment report is in § 141 para. 1 SGB III regulated. The worker must report to himself without work if he is unemployed. If the termination period has expired, the worker is unemployed or has terminated his duties in a timely manner.

There’s a lot to do, health insurance, later on because of the pension etc.! Even if you don’t want financial support until you’re sure that your parents will take the long time you live at their cost?

To the demand of another user, why you lost the job, you replied, quote: “At the end of the trial period, it was forced to terminate indirectly. I have given my best but was inappropriate and they said I would not be happy.”

Sorry, where is yours Where were your parents? You never have to give notice under pressure, or otherwise what, immediately give up and sign ! And if the company thinks you are inappropriate for this profession, the company has to cancel you! And the company has no responsibility to negotiate with you a barrier because you have been forced to surrender. REDE with your parents and contact the training consultancy of the Chamber of Crafts.

If you were transferred from the office in this company, then there are money for it and more important things that you have been forced to cancel. I’m sorry.



1 month ago
Reply to  NaniW

And yes, you are obliged to report to unemployed people. Excerpt from the law:The unemployment report is in § 141 para. 1 SGB III regulated. The worker must report to himself without work if he is unemployed. If the termination period has expired, the employee shall be terminated without notice or shall be terminated without notice.

This is neither correct nor is it an excerpt from the law: in particular there is no obligation to report.

1 month ago

In this case, it is only regulated as the workless message has to be done. There is no obligation to do so.

1 month ago

The first sentence read…Citat:”(1) The unemployed person or persons must report to the competent agency for work electronically in the specialist portal of the Federal Agency or personally.”

A worker who becomes unemployed has to report unemployed, done!



1 month ago

That’s right: there isn’t the one you’ve called.

1 month ago

Sure you can, you’re not obliged to work. You don’t get unemployment. If you have enough money to live and can assure yourself, that’s not a problem. But bear in mind that you have no right to retire, even if you never want to work.

If you’re looking for work, of course, you can take it yourself and don’t have to send any suggestions.

1 month ago

Good evening, dear Woodworm56. 😊

You don’t have to go to work, no one can force you….

Still think about it again, you might be lucky, and you don’t have to give up everything.

I personally don’t advise you….

Greetings, Renate. 😊

1 month ago

If you still want to have a health insurance, you would do well.

You can tell them you don’t need any services from them.

1 month ago

Yes otherwise you’re a unemployed scorch

1 month ago
Reply to  User999111132

Not really, he writes:

I do not need any financial support or advice

So he doesn’t want to live from the state, but he has enough money.

1 month ago

However, he is unemployed

1 month ago

Hard red gold

1 month ago

I wouldn’t say as long as someone behaves normally. You don’t get “asocial” just because you don’t work.

Why should you work if you have enough money to live? You don’t lie to anyone. If I were a millionaire, maybe I wouldn’t work anymore and yet I would have to pay taxes, so I would pay into the state.

1 month ago

However, this is the penner status

1 month ago

Sure, but that’s not even despicable if you really have enough money to live. You usually work to finance your living. Who doesn’t need it, for example, because he won the million at Jauch doesn’t have to work for his money for some time,