Muss ich Steuern zahlen bei einem Aushilfsjob?
Hallo, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe derzeit einen aushilfsjob. Der Verdienst kommt natürlich auf den Monat an und diesen Monat soll ich 672€ kriegen. Muss ich da Steuern oder sowas in der Art zahlen?
wenn ja, wie geht das?
Only social security contributions. In the case of tax class 1, wage tax is only payable from €1,290.
You can calculate the exact amount in each gross net calculator, e.g.:
This keeps your employer directly from your wage and transfers it to the competent authorities and simply pays you the net wage.
There’s taxes, there’s numbers, and there’s help jobs.
Based on the fact that you don’t work black, your employer will deduct taxes and social charges for you. Health insurance contributions. At 672€, however, no wage tax is payable.
How far you become taxable depends on your annual earnings.
And do I have to make a tax return?
At € 672 and tax class 1, he/she pays only social security contributions, but no wage tax. He/she pays monthly wage tax from just over € 1,300.