Muss ich schülerticket abgeben bei ferienbeginn?
Ich wechsle Schule und die im sekateriat haben gesagt das ich meine Fahrkarte abgeben muss am letzten Schultag da ich dann nicht mehr auf der Schule bin
dürfen die das?
meine Eltern haben die ja selber bezahlt
Unclear question. If the ticket has been subsidized, it can be.
When I was in the situation, it wasn’t as a subscription, i.e. the ticket was invalid in the next calendar month (except summer vacation action, but it was also no matter). And they didn’t fool around the few days of summer holidays in July.
I’ll keep the card until it is requested in writing.
Yes, you have to give it and then apply for a new one at the new school. I know that too.
I’ve never seen a school asking. I also find quite three honestly, as they pay the cards themselves.
Just keep that thing. They’ll probably forget. And if they ask, tell your parents they paid. The school has nix to do with the tickets, you are still a student and of course you have the right to your ticket.
How long is the ticket? I’d keep it as long as it’s valid. Because you paid it, too.
If you’re not a student anymore, you don’t have a student ticket. Even if you’re not a pupil no month.
If students stay, only school changes
But he doesn’t know the school.
He’d have to get that card from the new school.