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In accordance with the current version for small electric vehicles, you must use cycle paths marked by signs with the scooter, combined foot and cycle paths or cycle lanes, provided they are available.
In such ways, e-scooters must take account of pedestrians as well as (faster) cyclists. If not explicitly indicated by additional signs, such special routes may then only be used in regular driving directions, just as in the case of cycling.
In the absence of such special traces, the E-Scooter must take the regular roadway inside or out of the road, or use the attached side and/or multi-purpose strips in the case of correspondingly expanded roads.
In the case of other passages, footpaths, pedestrian zones or opposite one-way lanes, one must pay attention to the additional signs.
My knowledge, the eScooter has to go on the bike path. If there is no one, then “repeat” you squeeze on the road between the trucks, or take big detours in.
I live in a village and there are both cycle paths and roads. The e-scooter I want to buy has a road permit.
Paroto92 has described this very well. As long as you find bike paths, you can and should use them. If there are places without a bike path, then you have to go to the road or a possibly existing bicycle protection strip. These are the painted bike paths on the street.
I was also faced with the question: “eScooter or not?” and I chose foldable electric bike with support of up to 25km/h. This also fits into the car, I don’t need insurance, I drive 5km/h faster than the eScooter, I sit comfortably instead of standing forever on it, and if the juice goes out I can cycle normally due to the rear engine with clutch.