Do I still have to worry about publishing intimate images?

It's been more than a week now and nothing has happened. I've done everything, blocked accounts, changed accounts, etc. Do I still have to worry and when will I stop worrying?


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9 months ago

This depends entirely on those who have the pictures and what he wants to do with them. Once the images are on the net, it’ll be hard to get them out there again. If this is the case, you should do something about it quickly.

9 months ago
Reply to  Samyxxs

The question is, why do you send an intimate picture to someone you don’t know? There should be some confidence. I think he’s just allowed himself a little fun, or wanted to put you under pressure. Perhaps also in hope to get to more pictures or otherwise ask for something from you.

9 months ago

What else would be important: Do you know in the pictures that you are? If not, it should be half as wild, even if this person publishes it. As long as you are not aware, the person cannot discredit you.