Muss ich mich, wenn ich noch beim Jobcenter gemeldet bin, weiterhin bewerben wenn ich seit neustem eine Teilzeitstelle habe?

Was passiert, wenn ich das nicht tue? Ich meine ich habe doch nun eine Arbeit und zahle Steuern.

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5 months ago

I mean, I have a job and pay taxes.

It is about keeping the citizens’ money cover as low as possible. There’s nothing to do with taxes.

The answer to your question is: yes, if you are raising money.

5 months ago

If you continue to rely on an increase, you will still have to comply with your commitments.

5 months ago

You’re not sick. Don’t tell me you can pay your health insurance yourself. Ergo didn’t win anything. A part-time contract will not take you further. You can bend that.

5 months ago
Reply to  AriZona04

Of course, a part-time job is insured, then one has a social insurance employment and the social contributions are paid off by gross income.

Whether the part-time job does something or does not depend on the level of income and the need for the SGB – ll, under certain circumstances there is a possible priority entitlement to housing benefit from the Housing Money Authority.

5 months ago

Hello yes you need to report, maybe you can get something upside down at parttime.

5 months ago

You’re not away from the job center until you can finance your life yourself.

What a job that makes it possible doesn’t matter.

If you get money from the job center, you’re obliged to look for a full-time job.

5 months ago

As long as you move BG, you have to do everything reasonable to get out of there.

Do you deserve enough for housing?