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should you unsubscribe, you can sell registered can mean a lot of trouble.
if he reregisters it, it will be reported to you.
Okay, I want to hear the last sentence. Thank you. Topic can be
I can. The question is answered. Still. If this driver damages a person beforehand, the police will be at your door first. You can save yourself.
And if he slips off with the debriefing, especially what happens, you’ll get really fun.
Don’t be the first time, but you don’t ignore all the advice – then much fun when it goes wrong.
First, but not least.
Are you talking to me?
The best way to register it before the sale.
Otherwise, you go up in insurance if the buyer has an accident, as long as the car is not overwritten.
I know. But I’ve made a conscious difference and wait for the answer
That was a really stupid action. The car is reported before the sale. You’re currently liable for what happens.
also did not answer to the question
You have to sign it. The buyer can’t do that at all.
Apparently wrong.
It’s over
That’s the dumbest thing you can do.
To a strange person pass the car registered.
Why it’s full of cash and I have the money before
But it’s your insurance, if necessary your damage and your damage-free discount. You can also go behind if he doesn’t report it up to time.
And who’s in for insurance?
A few things are still falling into my mind, but the action is quite far ahead.
Know anyone who has sold a truck to Eastern Europe is said to be unsubscribed by the buyer
the truck was never unsubscribed and was not able to shut down the plaques by the police on the way abroad
he continued to have to pay tax and insurance for a certain time
no answer to my question
You should log it off, but you don’t have to.
“automatic” does not happen at all.
If the buyer has re-registered it is unsubscribed.
If he doesn’t do it, he will continue to drive to your insurance costs and tax.
Is that a promise?
Goodbye. See you next Friday. Then I’ll be back in here. Ciaoi
Quark, but you can learn on the hard tour
What is this superficiality for? In the last 50 years, I probably sold significantly more vehicles than you and they were always registered to private.
What if he doesn’t log it off?
Insurance tax etc.
Short help for you: this is what you do during a trial trip.
At the moment you or Your insurance for accidents, parking violations etc.
Report the car as fast as you can.
I do even if there is someone rehearsed
When the purchaser registers the car on himself (bubbed), the registration office also automatically takes note of it and informs your insurance. But only then.