Muss ich jemanden auf die Bundesstraße lassen?


ich bin letztens auf der Bundesstraße mit 80 auf der Hauptstraße gefahren, links von mir wollte mich einer überholen und jmd wollte vom Beschleunigungsstreifen (also von der Auffahrt) auf meine Spur. Dieser hat nicht einmal 1/6 seiner Spur genutzt und ist direkt auf meine Spur und nur aufgrund dessen, dass ich stark gebremst habe ist er nicht in mich reingefahren. Der hinter mir musste auf die linke Spur ausweichen.

Bin ich verpflichtet dazu abzubremsen oder generell das nötigste zu tun damit die Person von der Auffahrt auf meine Spur kann?

(falls jmd juristisch sich dazu auskennt wäre es auch praktisch)

Vielen Dank im Voraus 🙂

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7 months ago

Continuous traffic has progress. Anyone who goes on a continuous road, also with acceleration strips, has a “providing” sign.

Says, if the one who drives on the driveway has to change something on his drive because of the descendant, the descendant has done something wrong.

Like in your example. The other one has taken you the way.

Of course, as the one whose descent is taken, it is still necessary to do its best to avoid an accident. So brake.

Unfortunately, this direct left-over is ramping up right at the beginning of the acceleration strip, completely ignoring whether you have already adjusted the speed and whether you take the driveway for someone. And others on the continuous road simply move from the right track to the left to make room without taking care of whether someone is on the left. There is a need for a similar media campaign as with the rescue lane.

But it means that you have to reckon with such a situation during every driveway.

6 months ago
Reply to  RedPanther

Oh yes, since this is a permanent theme and many have not understood, I am actually for media campaign!! I cannot imagine that this problem is not recognized by the authorities.

7 months ago

Hi, no. The transit traffic is on the way.

If it comes to the accident, you could still have bad cards. You’d have to prove that you’re not guilty.

7 months ago

No, you’ve got an entrance, but this procedure – just to get started – has been getting more and more recently.

7 months ago

You’re not obliged to let someone in. However, you are also obliged to avoid an accident.

7 months ago
Reply to  Zandra98

That’s how it happened sometimes, it didn’t happen because you finally looked after. Such situations are not rare and often it is not good.