Muss ich irgendwelche Promilleformeln für die theoretische Führerscheinprüfung kennen?

Oder reicht das Bewusstsein, dass Alkohol eine Droge ist, die man am besten nicht nur bei und vor dem Autofahren nicht nehmen sollte?

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2 years ago

there is a question how fast alcohol is broken down – because simply the maximum possible I will take the exact number not

and another question: who is a ban on alcohol? Answer: For people in the trial period and people under 21 years of driving

otherwise as you have said, if there is, for example, what can lead alcohol, then cross all negative aspects

2 years ago
Reply to  KnorxyThieus

Why is that a thing? You know that anyway. The questions are the same for everyone.

You can’t say, “I’m never going to the highway anyway. I leave the part in the exams.” 🤣

2 years ago
Reply to  KnorxyThieus

you have to answer the questions in the end, and you’re going to cross the other drugs