Muss ich ggf als Vermieter einer Garage für Schäden am Fahrzeug haften, die entstehen, wenn der Wagen eben nicht in der Garage parken kann?

Bspw wenn das Tor kurzzeitig beschädigt ist, dass der Wagen nicht in die Garage einfahren kann.

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3 years ago


You have signed a contract with the tenant to provide you with “a roof above the head of his car”. However, the tenant has to admit that short usage restrictions can take place through rebuilding, repair work, breakdown or power interruptions.

If, for example, this lasts more than a week, a partial reduction in rent interest would be due.

A rental contract does not contain insurance components. A casco that protects his car in any situation, he must close with insurance.

If a tree falls out on his car, it is flooded or strangers have scratched it, you are clearly not liable. You didn’t do anything that caused the damage.


3 years ago

Of course, you need to make sure that the gate works quickly. For a few days, I wouldn’t do a theater as a tenant. But it’s right that you can’t ask for rent for the days.