Muss ich Gewerbe anmelden?
Hallo ich bin 17 und habe vor kurzem mit dropshipping angefangen.
Ich mache mehr Verkäufe und Umsatz als erwartet und mache mir Sorgen, da ich das ja versteuern lassen muss…
Laut meiner Recherche kann ich aber unter 18 kein Gewerbe anmelden und weiß nicht was ich tun soll.
Was würde passieren wenn ich jetzt einfach weitermache oder was soll ich machen?
ich werde in erst 5 Monaten 18 und möchte wirklich keine Probleme mit der Bank haben 😅
This is a commercial activity.
Well recognized.
You did a bad research. According to § 112 BGB a trade is under 18 with the consent of parents and Approval of the family court possible.
The missing trade registration can cost you a fine up to €1,000, § 146 para. 3 Alt. 3 GewO. Whether a tax evasion in accordance with § 370 AO is already in place here cannot be said yet.
Run properly:
You need within a month from the first act register a trade, § 14 GewO, and transmit the questionnaire for tax collection electronically to the tax office, § 138 AO.
When and whether taxes are due will decide only later. The Registration obligation start immediately.
After the end of the year, you must submit the income tax declaration, the VAT declaration and the profit determination electronically to the tax office (Duty to pay). All this from you without a call from the tax office.
Any allowances may not change the duty of tax returns. Without this, the tax office cannot consider whether they have been complied with. Therefore, the declarations always to be delivered.
Income tax: Here the Profit (operating revenue – operating expenditure) taxed. Commercial or freelance income does not have its own allowance. There is the basic amount and all your income is included in it. Your second business, or any gross wage or income from rental and rent or pension, is also included. A mini-job, however, forms an exception if it is actually taxed on a flat-rate basis and your employer takes this flat-rate tax.
Trade tax: It will also be due to Profit. However, a fee of € 24,500 is deducted here.
Value added tax: So long Turnover is less than €2,000, you are a small entrepreneur. Then you don’t have to deduct sales tax, but you must also not pay sales tax and also do not withdraw the pre-tax.
If you are deducted from the small business (which means you would be bound for 5 years) or your turnover is higher, you will have to pay the sales tax. In return, you can claim the advance tax for your purchases.
Even if you illegally not registered should have operated the business without any necessary approval of the family court, but the tax duties to fulfil, § 40 AO.
And I hope for you that, unlike tax duties, you have better dealt with the following points, which you must also take into account:
That’s all I want to know. Thank you
First of all, you need the permission of your parents and the family court.
If your parents agree, you have to submit an application to the family court (former court of custody). This is formless to put, says there are no finished forms or similar. The request describes the wish that the minor (so you) would like to make himself self-employed. The application must be signed by your parents.
Approval according to § 112 BGB usually presupposes a personal appearance of the minor and the legal representatives at the family court (no exceptions are known).
There is no such permission. Without a positive opinion from the school and a well-founded business plan, you can immediately reduce the idea.
If the permit is present, you must register your commercial activity with the competent municipality and the tax office in accordance with §138 AO and §14 GewO. For the latter, you must fill out a questionnaire for tax collection (FsE) and transmit it electronically.
The tax office will then check the inputs and assign a tax number to you.
If you expect more than €2,000, the small business operator scheme according to §19 UStG is not eligible. If you’re not a small businessman, you have to go on 10. Upon expiry of the pre-registration period, the sales tax pre-registration is issued to the tax office.
No matter how in the end, you will have to make your income tax declaration annually and with Appendix EÜR, depending on the approach of the FA, also the VAT Declaration and USt Declaration.
If you do not register your business, this is an offence and the tax office will not find it funny.
Why do your parents always have to be in the boat?
Legal basis is § 112 para. 1 BGB. A minor then needs the consent of the legal representative(s), as a rule of the parents, and the approval of the court.
All your shops are ineffective, and so it can be very expensive very quickly.
Do you realize that your previous “shops” are all ineffective? You’re not enough business.
And you know that at the latest. Thus, you will deceive your next customers because there are no consumer rights in ineffective shops.
Think you’re going to start self-employment?
Just stop and register the business on your 18th birthday. Then you can start.