Muss ich es meiner Sportlehrerin erzählen?
Kurz zu mir ich bin 15 Jahre alt, schwanger und gehe natürlich noch zur Schule. Muss ich es meiner Sportlehrerin erzählen das ich schwanger bin oder kann ich trotzdem ganz normal beim Sportunterricht teilnehmen?
You should tell her.
Sports can also be done well in pregnancy, but a few things should be left with progressive pregnancy. (all that can result in abdominal hits, such as some ball games, or exercises that overload the abdominal area, such as hip swing during gymnastics. What you can make up to when riskless should be discussed with your female doctor.
Up to a certain point in time, you can continue normal sports – but there will be a time you have to tell it because you can’t do or do any more sports.
I’d rather tell you sooner than too late.
Generally speaking:
Sport in pregnancy is possible in principle from the beginning until shortly before birth.
Of course, this is always different and individual.
Yes, I would definitely say it to the sports teacher at your place or let you free from sports lessons. I am 17 and also pregnant
You can decide for yourself.
Yeah, I’d tell her in your place. Search a 4-eye talk. You can continue to join and put yourself aside / take a break if you can’t do anything or don’t do anything and she’ll know why. Thus, you also save a bad note by “basic refusal”. Check out what you can do with your female doctor, he/she will be able to estimate it best.
Because: such jerky movements, and above all ball games should not be done
At some point, you have to tell her because it’s not to hide anymore so talk to her. What is the worst thing that can happen?