Muss ich die Vollnarkose selbst zahlen?

Ich hatte mein Anästesiegespräch. Nach dem ich dem DOC gesagt habe das ich unheimliche Angst vor dem Eingriff habe, hat er mir die Vollnarkose empfohlen. Es geht sich um eine Knie-OP.

Werden diese Kosten von der Krankenkasse übernommen? Ich weiß das beim Zahnarzt die Vollnarkose selbst bezahlt werden muss. Das findet man auch 100fach bei Google, aber wie sieht es bei einem chirurgischen Eingriff aus?

wenn ich selbst zahlen muss… was kommt auf mich zu?

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1 year ago

Operations on the knee are usually carried out in an anesthesia and not in local anesthesia. It usually doesn’t work. Accordingly, the anesthesia is also paid. However, there are now variants of anaesthesia, such as, for example, full-label or spinal anaesthesia. Since you are very afraid, full anaesthesia is the best choice for you, so that you would not, as with spinal anaesthesia, experience the surgery (pain-free, however).

You do not have to pay the anesthesia if an anesthesia is provided for this intervention.

1 year ago

If you’re anxious, you don’t have to pay anesthesia to the dentist

But I don’t think about a surgical procedure anyway.

All good for the OP

1 year ago
Reply to  Haui1989

Juhu, All inclusive

Then I wish you a good sleep;)

1 year ago

You’re best talking to the anesthetist himself. But in the end, you must not account for anything you have not been told about the costs.

1 year ago

The easiest thing is to ask your health insurance. They can tell you exactly what they take and what they don’t.

How much anaesthesia and painkillers are needed, you have to ask anaesthesia.

I honestly do not believe that he is really a general anesthesia. This is probably analgoseding. You’d have to be beaten with a full anesthesia. But a low sleep is certainly enough. The advantage is also that a bit of propofol and fentanyl do not cost any fortune.

1 year ago
Reply to  Haui1989

No health insurance is 100% like the other and you can only find out exactly what is paid there. Not every specific question can be answered on a platform like this.
And honestly, I would have called the first to the cashier, because they are my business partners in such a case and only what they tell me (written), that is also of value in such a case. You can only get opinions from users here, special knowledge only from individual users who are randomly doctors or have experienced the same. Since there is no “thing” you just get one direction and you have to verify it yourself. And yes – who I need a diagnosis for my dog, then I ask the vet. I might then ask here whether someone has received similar diagnosis and what has been done.

1 year ago

But if your cash is paying for it, you don’t know.

Because I believe that the user is actually a doctor, but after all he wrote:

You do not have to pay the anesthesia if an anesthesia is provided for this intervention.

But you’ll find out if you get an invoice or not.

1 year ago

Ask the doctor or call the health insurance.

1 year ago
Reply to  Haui1989

Exactly – and all these answers are always completely correct.
Here you can only get an additional opinion.

1 year ago

Clearly – and the next time one tells you that the KK takes 100% and that then says Adige – we do not.
You are simply ungrateful and have no respect for those who seriously think about your question. The answers cannot be desired.
Maybe you should register better with “dead-proof and correct”.