Muss ich die Gummis auch in der Nacht tragen?

Undzwar habe ich beim Kfo eine durchsichtige Schiene bekommen (Unterkiefer) und oben wurden zwei ‘Drähte’ jeweils auf die Eckzähne ‘befestigt’ die dann am hintersten Backenzahn fest gemacht wurden, nun muss ich auch Gummis tragen die dann den Ober- zum Unterkiefer ‘connected’

(Die Frage steht ja schon im Titel;))

Jemand nh Ahnung?

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1 year ago

Hello hfjghj,

this is a carrier distalizer.

Of course, you should always wear and exchange the Elastics.

Good luck!


1 year ago

Hello hfjgfj

With such things it is usually so that the more often and longer you wear the rubbers, the faster you make progress and the success is too quick with the treatment.

Greeting Paul

1 year ago

The wear time of the rubber trains to be suspended determines the orthodontic jaw. In order to correct a bite, a carrying time is usually necessary as often as possible, i.e. day and night. The rubber bands must also be worn at school and can only be taken out for food.

Gums of teeth: Small helpers with great effect

1 year ago

What did the CFO tell you? Don’t ask us here.