Muss ich die 4er Tickets beim Bus abstempeln lassen?


ich fahre gleich mit dem Bus und muss mir 4er Tickets besorgen. Muss ich die im Bus irgendwie abstempeln?

Bitte beeilt euch mit der Antwort, da mein Bus fast ds ist!

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4 years ago

A four-way ticket consists of four sections for each single trip. Before each trip you need to devalue a section.

If there is a devaluer at the stop or on the bus, you will stamp the ticket with it. If there is no one, then the bus driver will be stamped.

4 years ago

This comes to the traffic company you’re driving with. Just politely ask the bus driver, he’ll tell you how to devalue the tickets.

4 years ago

Usually you have to stamp multi-way tickets on the bus, yes.

4 years ago

No, you buy a 4 card once in your life and drive the rest of your life with this unstamped card.

4 years ago

Collectible cards must be stamped – machines are available on the bus