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2 years ago

If the new buyer does that, then you are automatically unsubscribed. However, there are also frequent problems because vehicles are not re-registered as promised and then they will only pass on to your costs of tax and insurance, especially if they may not have entered correct data into the purchase agreement. It is also problematic if such a non-reported vehicle is transferred abroad and not reported.

Normally, you should simply pass the vehicle out of the safety idea only unsubscribed.

2 years ago

Do I have to cancel car on sale?

Not compelling, but without unsubscribing it before, the buyer first drives to your risk and you are obliged to continue paying taxes and insurance until the vehicle has been re-registered or cancelled.

Or will it be automatically cancelled when the buyer registers the car?

Yeah, it will.

The risk is that the buyer does not re- or unsubscribe it as promised. And then you have no way to let it stand still, because at least the license plates would be required. Without license no registration and without registration no dismissal from liability for you. Therefore, it is an extremely high risk to hand over the vehicle registered. You wouldn’t be the first to get into great trouble.